#14 - Pregnancy Classes.

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Ashton: "Now there are a few options for where to have your baby and you should start thinking about which one would suit you." the midwife said, looking around at all the expectant couples, "About ninety four percent of births happen in a hospital. Three percent at a birth centre and three at home." Ashton squeezed your hand gently, making you look up at him. "Don't worry, you're gonna be fine. I'll be right there beside you." He knew that you were nervous about the whole thought of giving birth. You nodded, calming down as you reciprocated the squeeze of your hand, "Thanks." Smiling, he let you rest your head on his shoulder as the two of you listened to the midwife go on to explain what each birth entails.

Calum: "Breathing techniques," the midwife smiled, "Rhythmic breathing will allow the maximum amount of oxygen to get to you and your baby. The techniques I am about to go through can also help with contraction pain." You were sat between Calum's legs, his hands mindlessly tracing shapes on your stomach while listening intently to what she was saying. "Don't panic. When we panic, that can restrict the amount of air getting into your lungs. A good technique is breathing in, hold for a second then breathe out again. Come on, everyone do it! Partners too!" It only took a few breaths before Calum started getting really into it, making you turn to look at him. "What?" he asked, "C'mon! You're the one that's pregnant! Breathe, (Y/N), breathe!"

Luke: "Use gravity to your advantage, encourage the baby down." the instructor said, "Also, changing positions will not only help ease the pain of labour, it can also help move the process along faster." Luke smiled softly at you, raising you hand so he could press a kiss to the back of it. He almost laughed at the look of concentration on your face as you tried to keep your balance in your squatting position." The next one you can all try is kneeling, you can either have your hands on the floor or on your partner, leaning onto them." Luke knelt down, taking your hands again to help you down into the position. "I like this one," Luke grinned, kissing your cheek lightly as his hands came to rest on your waist. You nodded, hands on his shoulders, "Me too. I like having you close." He smiled softly, "I'll remember this for when the time comes."

Michael: The class instructor switched the T.V off, turning to look at all of you, "So that's it. That's basically everything that can happen during labour and delivery" She glanced around again, a small laugh leaving her lips as she took in the many blank, if not terrified, looks. "Mothers, don't worry. Your partner will be there to help and comfort you throughout the whole process. Does anyone have any questions?" As she began taking questions, you turned to your husband, eyes widening at how pale his skin was. "Oh my...Michael? Mikey are you okay?" you asked quietly, making him look down at you. "Just," he swallowed, "That's a lot to take in." Sighing to yourself, you began stroking his pale face, "I told you not to come. Are you going to be okay when I'm really in labour? Cause...cause I don't know if I can do it without you." His arm came to rest on your shoulder, "I promise I'll be right there with you." Smiling, you rest your head on his shoulder, "That's all I ask."

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