#23 - Labour (Part 3).

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Pregnancy Series #23 - Labour (Part 3).

So after this one, there will be one left. I might write a baby series after this :)


Ashton: It was now almost six in the morning and your baby was making no progress. “Why is it taking so long?” you moaned, “I just want her out!” Ashton, who didn’t like seeing you like this, turned to the midwife who had a frown on her face. “What is it?” he asked, making you look up too. The midwife sighed, “It seems to me that your cervix isn’t opening. Which means that that the baby can’t get to the birth canal.” Your hand reached for Ashton’s as he stared at the woman with wide eyes. “What does it mean? I-is she going to be okay?” you asked. She crouched down beside you, “(Y/N), I think we should take you into the hospital. There has been literally no progress with your labour and we’ve been here for almost four hours. I think we might have to preform a C-section.” You suddenly felt all light headed and dizzy as you leant back against Ashton’s chest. “A C-section? No! It…it wasn’t supposed to happen like this!” you whimpered. “If we leave it any longer then she might get distressed.” the midwife said sadly, causing you to let out a small sob. Ashton shushed you as he rubbed your stomach before looking up at the woman, “Okay, we’ll go. Do what you have to do to keep them both safe.” 

Calum: You were still sleeping soundly while Calum was wide awake in the chair by your bed, brushing your hair from your face. He perked up as your eyes fluttered open, resting his head on the sheets as you smiled lazily at him. “Do you need anything?” he asked, wincing as you suddenly grabbed his hand, “What’s going on?” Your face squinted slightly as you tried to work out what the pressure building inside you was. Was it a contraction? You thought so until you felt the sheets and mattress became soaked through. 

Hours later, after suffering through contraction after contraction, you were exhausted an were willing to do anything for this to be over so you quickly threw your? legs over the side of the bed, causing Calum to leap up from his seat. “(Y/N)?” he asked, “What are you doing?” You squeezed his hand reassuringly, “It’s okay. I just want to get up and walk about. It might encourage one of the twins down.” Almost as soon as you stood up, you felt one of the babies move down lower, pressure building intensely, “Oh my…I think, Cal, I think I have to push!”

Luke: You were now settled in your room, waiting until you felt the need to push before you got into the pool. Luke still wasn’t here and every time a nurse or such came into the room, you would ask them where your husband was but none of them answered you. You didn’t like going through this on your own. Finally, just as you were going through another contraction, the door flew open and Luke came rushing over to you. “I’m so sorry,” he breathed, “They wouldn’t let me in. I’m gonna complain to someone…” he trailed off, looking at you in the bed, “That doesn’t matter right now though. How are you feeling?” He took your hand as the contraction ended and you sighed tiredly. “Apparently, I’m almost ready to push so I might get into the pool now.” He pressed his lips against your forehead, “Okay. I’ll help you.” As soon as you were in the pool, you felt instant relief as the tension in your back subsided and you leant against the edge, sighing softly. 

Michael: "Michael," you whispered, "Mikey, please." You gave him another hard shove, which finally woke him up. "What’s wrong?" he asked, frowning at the sight of the tears on your face. "I wanna go home." you sobbed, "Please Michael. I don’t want to do this. Please!" His heart broke at the sight of you so upset, but he knew you could do this. The nurse must have heard the commotion because she came in seconds later. "Oh love. If you’re in this much pain then maybe we should give you an epidural before it’s too late." You quickly nodded, "Yes. Anything to make this more bearable. Please." Within twenty minutes of the anaesthetic being injected into you lower back, the pain had subsided significantly and you were more relaxed when the nurse came back in to check on you. "Well," she smiled, looking up from her position, "Looks like you’re ready to have your baby."

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