#18 - Deciding on a Birth Plan.

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Deciding on a Birth Plan.

Ashton: You woke up in the middle of the night, craving some pineapple but when you glanced to the side, expecting to see your sleeping husband, you were met with nothing. Frowning, you slowly pushed yourself up and made your way downstairs, seeing his hunched figure sitting on the couch, the light from the laptop screen illuminating the whole room. “Ash?” you asked tiredly, making him turn to look at you. “What’re you doing up?” he whispered, welcoming you onto the couch beside him. “I’m craving some pineapple.” you answered, which had him up off the couch in seconds. “I’ll get you some.” he smiled, disappearing into the kitchen. You smiled to yourself before looking at the screen, seeing that he was looking at a bunch of different birthing options. You sat forward slightly and started scrolling through the pages. “I was just looking,” Ashton said quietly, joining you back on the couch and handing you a bowl of the fruit, “We could just go for the hospital birth, but I know you don’t like going in, so I was just checking out the other options.” You rest your head on his shoulder, “What do you think we should do? I don’t mind where, but I want you with me at all times.” His fingers threaded through yours, “You know I’d never let you go through this on your own.” After reading through a few of the options in more detail, you finally decided in asking your midwife if it would be possible for you to have a home birth as Ashton wanted you to be as comfortable as possible. 

Calum: You were at your ultrasound; since you were having twins, your doctor wanted you to come in more regularly. “Have you thought about any birth plans?” she asked as she finished up, wiping the gel from your stomach. “We were actually going to ask what you think our best option would be,” Calum said from beside you, “We want a professional opinion.” She wiped her hands, “Well you’re having twins. If I were you, I’d definitely think about having your babies here at the hospital. If, and this is a big if, something goes wrong, you’ll have more than enough people qualified to help you.” You nibbled on your bottom lip, “Will Calum be allowed into the room? That’s my main concern about giving birth here, I don’t want be alone.” She nodded quickly, “Oh yes, of course. If you want him there. Some women don’t want their partners in the room with them but if you’re happy with your husband being there then that’s perfectly okay.” You sighed in relief, falling back against the uncomfortable bed. You couldn’t imaging not allowing Calum into the room with you and you had been worrying about it for a couple of weeks. “See?” Calum asked as you left the room, “I told you we’d be able to work something out.” You nodded and wrapped your arm around his, “I was just worried that you wouldn’t be allowed in.” 

Luke: He had been very helpful during the whole pregnancy, always catering to your every need and such so you weren’t surprised when he came to you suggesting that when the times comes, you go into a birthing centre to have your baby boy. The two of you were sat on your bed as he tried to make the place sound more appealing to you. “There’s a music room,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder, “I know you like listening to music to help you relax.” You shook your head, “I can just bring my iPod to the hospital.” Sighing, he pointed to something else on the screen, “How about this? You can get in the pool if you want. The water will help you with the pain of the contractions…please, (Y/N), I don’t want to see you in any pain…I don’t think I can handle that.” You moved so your back was pressed against his chest, “I guess that having something to help me with the contractions other than drugs.” His hands squeezed your hips gently, “”Does that mean…?” You nodded, leaning back so you could press a kiss to his jaw, “Yeah. Let’s go with the birthing centre.”

Michael: Your due date was quickly approaching and with each passing day, you began getting more and more anxious. Michael noticed and one day, he sat you down on the couch, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you and took both your hands. “What are you so worried about?” he asked, stroking your hands with his thumbs. “Just…what if something goes wrong?” you whispered, not looking up at him, “I mean, I know there’s an extremely low chance of anything happening but I can’t help but feel scared.” He made you look up at him, “Please, stop worrying. If you get too worked up, you might hurt the baby.” You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to calm down. He moved so he was sat down beside you, “If you’re really this worried, maybe we should think about having you give birth in the hospital. You can have all the pain relief you can and when she gets here, she can be taken to make sure everything is okay and that she’s healthy. Would that make you feel any better?” Nodding, you felt him press a kiss to your forehead, “Thank you for understanding.” He pressed another kiss to your forehead, “I just want you to be comfortable and relaxed.” 

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