#3 - Telling Him.

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Ashton: You had a large smile on your face for the rest of the day. You were finally going to give Ashton a family. Finally, the front door opened and you quickly made your way through to greet your husband. "Hey." he smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips. You bit down on your lip as a grin was attempting to make it's way onto your face. Ashton sighed and wrapped his arm around your waist, "You took the test didn't you?" You nodded enthusiastically and wrapped your arms around him again, "I'm pregnant. Ash, we're having a baby!"

Calum: Slowly, you unlocked the door, resting your head against the wood as a smile came across your face. "(Y/N)?" Calum called, knocking on the door, "You okay? Is...is it negative?" Opening the door, he almost fell on top of you. "Babe?" he asked again, hands coming up to cup your face, "What's it say?" Your hands came up to cup his face and you pressed your lips to his. "It's positive." you whispered, bumping your nose against his. "It is?" he asked, arms coming to rest on your waist. You nodded, grinning at him.

Luke: "Luke?" you called, closing the front door behind you. "In the bedroom!" he replied and you took your shoes off, put your bag down and then went up to find him on the bed messing with his guitar. You smiled and leant against the door frame, admiring him as he played when you got an idea. Moving towards the bed, you sat down, "I can't wait till you can teach our son or daughter to play." He nodded absentmindedly but his fingers stilled on the strings and his head snapped up, "What?" Giggling, you ran your hand over the instrument, "Our baby. I'm pregnant, Luke." He let out a small gasp before standing up which sent his guitar falling to the ground. "You're pregnant?" he asked, crouching down in front of you, hand coming to rest on your still flat stomach. You nodded, placing your hand on his, "Found out today." He tugged you into his arms and pressed a kiss to your forehead, "I'm gonna be a daddy."

Michael: Honestly, you couldn't wait to tell Michael. Like you, he had been waiting for this for a while. Although you ended up falling asleep on your bed, your dog joining you just before you fell into your slumber. Michael came home to an empty house, finding it strange that neither you nor the excitable dog came to greet him. He whistled to himself as he climbed the stairs, finding you asleep. He gave the dog a quick pat before he spotted something lying on your bedside table; the pregnancy test. "Holy..." he whispered, looking down at the positive test in his hands. Slowly, he climbed in beside you, careful not to jostle you and he cuddled up to you. "Welcome home." you mumbled tiredly, turning in his embrace. "Is it true? Are you...?" he asked, forehead against yours. You nodded, a tired smile coming across your face, "We're having a baby, Mikey." He bumped his nose against your softly, "Love you. Love you so much."

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