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Her little encounter with the white guy hadn't passed unnoticed. Her friends had buzzed about it for like an hour, even forgotten about the birthday they were celebrating. Once the topic went low key, the girls began their celebration proper. But as much as she tried to enjoy the moment, his face, his body building, his amber brown eyes, his voice, his accent! Oh that accent! It all haunted her psyche.

It got worse when he came back and settled at the other end from where they were having their party. His nose looked red, he had a pair of dark shades on. He wore the same white shorts he had on the first time he came out but with now a white tank top that showcased his toned muscled arms. He laid on a beach stretcher and seemed to be in another planet.

Jasmine found the freedom to stare at him as much as she wanted. For she felt like he wasn't even one bit interested in looking their way. But this wasn't the case. As she stared at him so did he. She knew staring was perverse so she timed herself. Only he knew the chemistry that ent down between them as her eyes will drift to him once every two minutes to stare for at least thirty seconds. That was her timing. He couldn't help himself but look at her; only her. Like she was the only person there. The way the sun illuminated her honey brown skin in that white bikini top- he was hanging on the edge of a sexual Clift, holding on for dear control.

As she interacted with her friends, once in a while, she would erupt into laughter making her look ten times younger than she could actually be.

On the side of the party, the girls talked, laughed and seemed to be having a good time. Three of them were inside the pool while the other three where bronzing the skins under the sun. Cake came and the sang happy birthday to Micah. As they all settled down beside the pool, each with a glass in hand, the decided to play a thirty minutes session of 'truth or dare'. The first three turns making Micah, Rhoda and Lena to reveal super embarrassing stuff about themselves. The fourth turn falling on Jasmine.

"Please don't ask me about my last sexual encounter!!!" She pleaded, gaping at Ezinne with puppy eyes,

"Girl please! As if you've ever had a sexual encounter." And the all burst into thunders of laughter while she frowned then smiled nonetheless. "But seriously though girl, your truths are boring so you, are going to do a dare."

"Oh God!" Jasmine cried, "Guy please have mercy!"

"Mercy is not in my vocarb!" Ezinne took a bite off her piece of cake, glinting evil eyes in Marcelo's direction,"Go talk to him for at least five minutes."

If her legs had holes, her heart would be out as it she could feel its beating right under her soles.

"What? No! You know I can't do that nah!"

"OK oh ma! So you won't have any problem paying for all our drinks when we go clubbing tonight."

"I'm not even going with you guys." Jasmine grumbled glaring in her friend's direction.

"Then you go wire us the money." Ezinne answered ignoring completely her friends burning glance.
(Then you'll send us the money)

"Ahh- ah! Come on! Please nah! OK, What am I even going to say to him."

While all this happened, not even once did Marcelo's gaze leave the group, or the girl. He seemed to have been following their movements and knew at what the were playing. He saw when Ezinne looked his way and mouthed something to Jasmine and immediately knew it was about him. But he wasn't less than surprised when he saw her coming his way with a plate in her hand. From the way she moved and her numerous attempts to act it cool, he could already tell she was nervous.

Breaking Locks (Interracial Book One)Where stories live. Discover now