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The things she had been told as a kid, the things she had been trained and taught were wrong, Jasmine laid naked in Marcelo's arm, snoring softly, sleeping soundly; she'd just lost her virginity and it still hadn't kicked into her brain that it wasn't what she'd been taught. She was still living the fantasy of being in the arms of a man like him. Like a romantic telenovela, she was living her dreams.

But he laid awake, wondering, pondering; what the hell had just happened? It was like he was in a trans and could only hear and, obey a single voice. She said 'take me to your room' and he couldn't find any reason to deny her. He really did want her but for some reason, he thought it'd have been better if he'd said no; if he had just denied her. He never had this problem and guilt feeling with his other gazillion women. His guts were telling him that what he'd let happen should never have happened. He felt fulfilled but also kind off guilty, like he had taken advantage of her innocence, stolen away her pride as a woman.

But it already had happened and he knew he couldn't go back.

He got distracted out of his thoughts when his phone rang. He picked it up and walked to the bathroom, bringing it to his ears,

"Che succede sorellina?" (What's new sister)

"Belikov è morto! Ma non credo che dovresti uscire ancora." (Belikov's dead! But I don't think you should come out just yet.)

"Perché? This is good news but I don't get why I can't be free," (What!)

"C'è una guerra in costruzione." (And a war is building up,)


"Per il lancio! I cartelli sono stati uniti e non hanno leader." (The merger of both cartels asks for a new leader,)

"Così? Qual è la mia chiusura in tutto questo?" (So? What's my shit in all this)

"Dashkov vuole quel posto; Anche Marconi." ( Dashkov wants that seat; Marconi too.)

"Non è così Qual è la mia chiusura lì dentro?" (Still don't see my shit in that.)

"Voterai a capo della truppa più grande, più cattiva e pericolosa degli inferi." (You're on vote to head the biggest, baddest and most dangerous alliance in the underworld.)

"Me?" Marcello's eyes bulge out in surprise,

"Marconi wants your head," the voice from the other line says, with a heavy Italian accent, similar to Andreas,

"Wait what? Why? I didn't even do anything,"

"No you didn't brother," she said in a sarcastic tone,

"Mi hai messo su? la mia vita è più in pericolo ora idiota." ( You put me up? my life is in more danger now idiot!)

"Lo so, lo so! Ma guardalo in questo modo, se lo prendi, diventi l'uomo più temuto del mondo fratello. Allora avranno paura di te." ( I know, I know! But look at it this way, if you take it, you become the most feared man in the world brother. Then they will be afraid of you.)

"And how am I suppose to come back now if I'm basically still in the same shitty situation," he said through gritted teeth. Yes! It had always been a dream to lead a mafia organization. His father was one: he wanted to be too. But a lot had to change. A lot was at stake, including his life, and next would be anyone possibly connected to him; his sister; and if he's found in Cameroon, Jasmine'.

"Marcelo," the latter called in a sleepy voice, "Marcelo,"

"I'm in here chicca, I'll be with you in a few."

"You have company??? Marcelo Andreas Marquesa what the fuck? You could get compromised!"

"Yeah, by an eighteen year old sophomore. There's not a chance. I'll call you later."

"But Marc..." He cut the call without listening to her. He walked into the room.

"Heyyy chicca. You are up."

"Yes. Who were you talking to?"

"No one of importance. You! How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?" Jasmine stretched her body on the bed before feeling a sore sensation on her reproductive area. That's when the memories flushed in. She jumped off the bed onto her butt,

"Marcelo, I... I am so sorry! I didn't mean to,"

"What? Wait chicca, why are you apologizing?"

"I must have stained your sheets and-"

"Wait what? Is that what you're thinking about? My sheets?" he chuckled,

"Yeah. Because I think it'll make you uncomfortable or something,"

"You made me your first chicca. I should be the one worrying about you. So tell me my love, how are you feeling?" He rubbed down her cheek with his thumb,

"Truth be told, I haven't felt this alive since ever. I feel more like saying thank you, so thank you."

"Thank me? For what chicca?"

"For being my first. For being gentle, and for being here." She kissed him on the cheek. It felt so good.

Marcelo felt a certain warmth he hadn't felt in ages. His hands crawled to her waist pressing her closer into him. Then he whispered to ear,

"I'll go prepare a warm bath for you mia."

"Yeah, but my name is Jasmine not Mia." She answered as she fell back into the bed. Marcelo came to her, supporting his weight with his hands on both sides of her head. He pressed a kiss to her lips,

"Mia for mine. Because you're mine Jasmine."

He wasn't asking. He was telling. He claiming her; she'd woken something in him that he hadn't believe he still had or could still feel. She was his. She held the key to his heart.

But if only they both knew, how badly his lock was about to get screwed.

Marcelo went to the bathroom to run the tap when he heard a gunshot. One loud enough to believe it was just in his backyard. His first thought was;


The girl could have been hurt. He'd been compromised.

He had completely forgotten about her stepping into his world in any way meant her life was always going to be on the line.

"Jasmine?" he called, running into the room. He found her clutching her hands to her ear. "Are you ok?" She just nodded.

He sent his eyes through a small opening in the curtains, the were still gunshots heard all over the area.

"What's happening?" He asked searching towards the area of the shots,

"Marcelo don't stand there, get down here. It could be serious,"

"But what's that all about,"

"Probably an encounter between the freedom fighters and the government forces. Get away from the window."

No! It couldn't be that simple. For her maybe, because there an ongoing political crisis happening in Cameroon between some native freedom fighters and the government, but for him, it could be part of a scheme to lure him out or take him out. It meant he had to leave.

Just then his phone rang. His sister was calling again.

He definitely had to leave.

But, what about the teenager he had just disvirgined and was starting to feel an emotional tie to?

What about Jasmine ???? How would he leave her without her one way or another?

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