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"so...tell me about your boy toy," lilia said, turning to el. they had class together 3rd period for art, "what was his name? jake?" she asked. el playfully rolls her eyes, "his name is mike and he's not my toy." el told her, painting on her paper for a project they had to do.

"ohh, so you like him?" lilia said, putting emphasizes on the word 'like'. el nodded, "i love him." she said, still painting. lilia was looking at her fact that was focused on working, ""love"?! wow so you guys are serious?" she asked in disbelief. "pretty serious." she said, not wanting to talk about mike to lilia because she knew how she got when she would talk about boys.

"so you're into like...nerdy guys right? like that's your type?" lilia asked. el didn't stare at her and what lilia was saying was starting to get el a little upset. mike isn't nerdy. i mean yeah, he is super smart but he's not nerdy. and what if he was? so what?

"mike's not nerdy..." she simply said, stroking her brush against the paper. lilia shrugged, "kinda seems like it...but he's kinda cute i guess." she said. el tried to refrain herself from fighting back. mike was absolutely fucking handsome to her. el liked lilia but sometimes she's too much for her.

"so..." lilia trailed off, "how big is his dick?" she whispered. el scoffed, "jesus i don't know." el said, "i've never seen it." el lied. she lied because she knew it would lead to lilia asking more questions. "never through his jeans or anything?" lilia asked her. el simply shook her head no, still keeping focus on her paper.

"oh no, that means he's small." lilia said sadly, "sorry el." she told her, "skinny boys like that usually are." lilia said. el so badly wanted to tell her how wrong she was and that he was bigger than probably half of the guys she had fucked but she refrained herself.

"lilia-" el finally looked up at her, "i really don't want you to say things like that." el tried to kindly tell her, "it's rude." el stated. lilia looked taken aback, "el, i'm just warning you, don't be surprised when you finally see his little baby penis." lilia said, shrugging. el was getting so upset now, she wasn't even apologizing.

"it's none of your business anyways." el says seriously. "jesus el, i don't know why you're getting so angry." lilia said, "i'm just saying what is most likely true." she said. el rolled her eyes, "it doesn't matter, just stop talking." she was starting to get really upset and was about to get up to move seats.

"damn..." lilia simply says, "don't get mad at me for your boyfriends tiny dick." she said under her breath but el still heard it. finally, she had enough. she got up and went to go sit on the opposite end of the classroom.

she was proud of herself for being able to refrain herself from yelling at her in front of the whole class. she didn't need to anyways. el knew how wrong she was about what she was saying...she was so so wrong.


if you thought lilia was bad. you are not prepared for what mike wheeler was about to encounter at pe.

during pe, they had a substitute teacher which meant they weren't really gonna do anything that day. he was right, the whole period all they did was walk around the field. mike didn't mind doing this until someone unwanted stepped in to speak to him.

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