To the Wall, to the Window!

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That LOL Moment when...

\(^-^\) To da wall!!!

(/^-^)/ To da window!!!

\{'o'}/ Shut up now or Imma kill ya!

\(^-^)/ Your face is ugly!

\{'O'}/ Your face is fat!

(/^-^)/ Oh please, your face looks like a f****** Nyan Cat!

~ /\/\~

=(^.^)= ...excuse me?

JOKE FROM: Glowingpoppet32

Thank you for your joke Glowingpoppet, as always if I use someone's else's joke, I will be sure to tell you who it came from, and tweak it to be a little different.

ON ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE...We have reached 2,000 reads! How the hell did that happen? Maybe I re-read my own story a few times maybe... ;)

That LOL MomentWhere stories live. Discover now