No ones pov
"Will you show me the scars little one?" Rye asked.
And then Brooky panicked a bit. Because in his mind he was ugly. He was ashamed. Because he still thought it was his fault.
It had started when he was 16, and it had ended about a year later. Then he had a year and then was in the band. So he got over it. But a few months ago he saw him again. He saw Harvey (bet you didnt expect that did you?). And the bad part was the other boys got along great with him.
But then the nightmares started. Then the not eating and the not talking started.
He was snapped back to reality when Rye said "Brooky? Where'd you go little one? I've been calling your name for a couple of minutes now."
"Rye... I need to tell you something...." he said shyly, hiding his face in Ryes neck.
"What is it little one?" Rye asked, playing with Brooks hair.
Brooky mumbled something.
"Speak up little one. I can't hear you." Rye said.
"Harv..." he started and then trailed off.
"What about Harv, baby boy?" Rye asked, now getting confused.
"He-he's my ex... I'm sorry" and it was like the dam broke. And all of a sudden he was sobbing.
"Shhhhh it's okay. You're okay. Why didn't you tell us little one?" Rye asked the shaking boy softly.
"Didn't want you to think different about me... didn't want you to hate me..." he whimpered.
"Shhhh it's okay little one you're okay. Has he done anything else?" He asked, worried for the answer.
"H-he... he had me against a wall with my hands pinned... he kept touching me and calling me his slut, saying I was his... but you saved me without knowing it... you called for him..." Brook answered in a whisper.
Rye just growled. Thinking to himself all the different things he was gonna due to that monster.
"Hey. You're definitely not his slut. You can't be cause you're my little one. Will you let me see the scars little one?" Rye asked again.
Brook just whined out at the thought. "They're ugly... I'm ugly..." he said softly; shyly.
Putting one finger under his chin, he made him look at him. "Baby boy you're not ugly. And your scars? They just prove that my little one is a fighter. Please let me see them." Rye told the boy gently but firmly.
Again he whined out at the thought, scared for the outcome.
But he stood up anyways.
He pulled his shirt off anyways.
And then his jeans.
Until he was just in boxers.
And Rye gasped.
He was shocked.
The small boy in front of him was covered. And it made it so obvious the abuse he went through.
But something made it worse. Way worse.
He had scars on his wrists. Scars from himself.
Rye pulled him into his lap, taking one of his arms and kissing the scars.
"He's never gonna hurt you again little one. I'm not gonna let him." He said before pulling him closer and letting the small boy fall asleep on his chest.

Roadtrip and Mikey Cobban oneshots bxb
Teen FictionHiiii so I'm new to this but thought I'd give it a try! If you have a request comment it and I'll try my best to write it!