Sleepy rylyn abo omega brooky
Ryes pov
I looked down at my omega curled up to me. He's exhausted. We've had a long day at the studio and it took a toll on him. Now we were at home i the living room with the boys. I decided I'd go ahead and take him up to bed.
Picking him up he was slightly shocked, but wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I quickly told the boys goodnight before heading up the stares.
Once I got to my room I carefully climbed up to the castle bed and gently laid him down, before going to find a pair of sweatpants and one a sweater of mine. I quickly changed and then climbed back up, taking the small boy in my arms, and quickly pulling off his shirt and jeans before putting my sweater and sweatpants on him. Looking down I noticed he was half asleep. "Shhh go to bed Brooky" I soothed pulling him on top of my chest and shifting us so we were comfortable. He buried his head in my neck, one hand going up to touch his bond mark. Sighing contentedly he said "I love you alpha" smiling gently I said "I love you to my omega. Now go to sleep Brooky" and if he fell asleep to me singing and the next day I woke up with him asleep on me no one but us had to know.

Roadtrip and Mikey Cobban oneshots bxb
Teen FictionHiiii so I'm new to this but thought I'd give it a try! If you have a request comment it and I'll try my best to write it!