Rye povMe and Andy were live, in my room.
All of a sudden he said 'is' instead of 'i' while talking, which may not seem like much but it made it obvious to me he was slipping.
Quickly ending the live, I grabbed him, pulling him into my lap.
Third person pov
"What's wrong baby?" Rye asked gently.
"Don't feel good, long day and is jsut wanna be wittle." He whined.
"It's okay baby boy. Why don't we get you a bubble bath and a bottle and we can watch some movies? Huh does that sound good my baby?"
He whined, nodding his head, and hiding his face.
~time skip to after the bath~
"C'mere baby boy," I cooed softly.
I grabbed a towel wrapping it around Andy, pulling him out of the bath.
I slipped his paci into his mouth, before I dried him off before grabbing a diaper, laying him down, he got embarrassed and hid his face.
I finished putting the diaper on, then pulled his hands away from his face and gave him kisses over his paci.
He blushed and giggled before doing grabby hands at me.
I took him into my room, setting him down and putting one of my hoodies on him, and then picked him back up, but as soon as I did he started getting fussy.
"What's wrong little one?" I asked softly.
"Hunwy dada, is hunwy baba now pwease," he whimpered our before panicking over calling me daddy.
"Hey, hey. Shhhh you're okay baby, it's okay. Let's get you a baba and we'll watch movies like we talked about." I said softly.
I went and made him a bottle, and then sat on my bed with him cradled in my arms feeding him, a Disney movie playing in the background.
And as I saw his eyes slip shut, I knew one thing. I wanted to take care of him forever.
A/n: sorry there's been a lot going on lately that no one knows about.... so this is kinda bad and I didn't get it out as soon as I had planned.

Roadtrip and Mikey Cobban oneshots bxb
Roman pour AdolescentsHiiii so I'm new to this but thought I'd give it a try! If you have a request comment it and I'll try my best to write it!