Facing My Past

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p.o.v. You Watanabe

I stand there watching Taylor as he walk out of the front room and heard his grandmother said "thank you for saying that" I turn around and said "oh sorry I didn't mean to say all of that" she smile and said "oh no don't be sorry Taylor need someone to say that to him, he quit listening to me after awhile" Dia said "I never you knew you could scream like that You" I blush and said "well I couldn't let him look do sad" Mari laugh and said "well maybe I should step it up before You win Taylor over" Kanan said "sorry Mari but I'm going to be the one who will make Taylor fall in love" Ruby said "um should we really be talking about this right now" I look over at Taylor's gandmother and said "oh sorry" she smile and said "don't worry about it, if you girls want to go out with Taylor please go ahead I think he would love that" I notice Chika still looking at the way that Taylor left but before I could say something we heard someone said "hey is Taylor here" I turn to see a guy wearing a suit with a smile on his face.

p.o.v. Taylor Katsuki

After awhile of sitting outside I sigh and said "alright no more being sad, I'll change the way I am for them" I stand up and heard Dia said "don't talk about Taylor like that" I turn my head and heard my father said "I'll talk about my son how ever I want and if you don't get out of my face I'll teach you never to disrepect your elder" I walk inside the house and saw my father slap Dia knocking her down which send me into a rage and I said "what did you do" I heard my father said "your damn friend won't get the hell out of my face" Mari said "Dia are you okay" I look over at her and saw her with her eyes shut not responding and I heard the girls trying to wake Dia up but couldn't. I stand there with my right hand shaking listening to my grandmother yell at my father and the girls calling out to Dia when I heard another slap and I look up to see my grandmother falling down hitting the table which cause me to hit the wall and said "get out" the room went into a slient and I heard my father said "are you telling....." I said "get the hell out of here" he look like he wanted to say something but he turn around and left, after he left I said "hey Walter" Walter walk in and said "don't worry young master, I'll go ahead and take her to the hospital" I look over at Dia and saw her with her eyes open so I said "are you alright Dia" she look at me with her green beautiful eye about to answer.

p.o.v. Dia Kurosawa

I lay there with my head on Kanan's lap and I heard Taylor said "are you alright Dia" I raise up and said "yea I'm fine" Kanan said "don't raise up so fast Dia" I said "it just sting a little bit" Taylor said "well if your alright then allow me to say, I'm sorry" he bow and I said "no don't worry about it" he said "nope I couldn't stop him before he could hit you, so I owe you" I stand up with Kanan and Mari help then heard Ruby said "are you okay sis" I nod and said "yea I'm fine now" I look over at Taylor who was looking out the door and I heard Chika said "hey Taylor tomorrow let practice" he look at Chika and said "yea alright if you say so, um should I walk you home or......" Riko said "do you mind if we stay here for tonight" I notice Chika and Riko have a plan but before I could say something Taylor said "yea sure, um my room is the only one big enough for us to stay in" Mari said "but we don't have anything to sleep in" Taylor said "oh I might have some cloths that were to small for me if you want to wear them" I said "are you sure" he nod and said "my room is down that hall and the third door on the left" he turn and about to walk away when Ruby said "hey Taylor where are you going" he said "I just need some fresh air" he kept on walking till we couldn't see him.

p.o.v. Riko Sakurauchi

After Taylor left I heard Dia said "do you two have a plan or what" Chika said "yup we're going to help Taylor by getting him back into the things he love to do" Yoshiko said "how are we going to do that" I said "hey I'll be right back" Mari said "alright" I follow the path that Taylor went after he left to what look like a music room, before I could step inside I saw Taylor standing in front of a piano then he said "if I'm going to change then I must face my past" he sat down but he froze when he try to play the piano which remind me of myself when I first came here, I open the door and said "hey Taylor what are you doing" he turn around and said "what are you doing here" I smile and said "I was just looking for the bathroom and got lost" he nod and said "oh I was just trying to play the piano again" I walk over to him and when I sat down she said "I remember watching you play before" he smile and said "yea in the piano competition, you was great" I blush and said "thanks but I feel like you was better" he look down at the keys and said "hey Riko would you help me play" I said "right now" he nod and said "I can't do this alone, please just one song" I said "what about the girls" he look at me and said "then can you stay by my side while I play" I nod and said "okay I will" he took a deep breath and begin playing the piano, I look at him and he was playing with his eyes close which made him look cute so while he was playing I lay my head on his shoulders and when I did he said "when I first met you at the competition, I wanted to do this with you Riko" I smile and said "I do too" I raise my head up and saw him looking at me with a smile but before he could say anything I kiss him on the lips and I heard someone said "how many people are going to kiss Taylor" we both turn to the door and saw Chika and the girls looking at us then Yoshiko said "so this is where you went" I blush and said "I thought...." Dia smile and said "thought we would go to bed and leave you two awake" I look over at Taylor for help but when I did he laugh and Ruby said "why are you laughing" he turn around in his seat and said "I'm glad that I met all of you" Chika said "well as long as your happy now, I'm happy too" he stand up and said "it's getting late we should head to bed" we agree and begin walking to his room.

p.o.v. Taylor Katsuki

After we got to my room I gave them some of my old cloths to sleep in and step outside for them to change, when they got done I step inside and heard Kanan said "thanks for giving us something to wear" I nod and said "no problem, I be meaning to get rid of those for awhile now" Ruby said "I think mine are to big" I look over at her and saw that my shirt was always the way down almost pass her knees then Dia said "well at least you'll be warm right" she laugh and said "your right" I said "well shall we get some sleep" they nod and they went to lay down in the floor so I decide to join them when You said "you don't have to lay down here with us" I smile and said "I'll feel bad if I'm the only one sleeping in a bed" Yoshiko said "here you can sleep right here" I nod and lay down next to Yoshiko then I heard Chika said "hey Taylor be ready to practice tomorrow, cause we're not going to go easy on you" Dia said "look who talking" she said "what I practice very hard, all the time" Riko laugh and said "it's only come to writing music is when she slack off" Chika sigh and said "I'm so done with you" we laugh and after awhile of talking we decide to go to sleep.

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