The Force Captain

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Takes a bit to get to the smut, since this IS still a story and not just a smut book. If you're just horny, scroll down to the bold X's and you'll find the dicks and shit. However, for those of you who want to read the plot, enjoy :)

Since her morning with Glimmer, Adora had never felt so dominant in a relationship. If she was sitting in bed watching tv, legs and arms sprawled out in a relaxed state, Glimmer would teleport herself into the bed with her and begin desperately planting hickeys on the blonde's neck.

It was a game they played. If Adora managed to suppress her grunts and growls, Glimmer lost and wouldn't get treatment. However, if the princess was able to make Adora release a pleasured sound, then the hero would soon find her fingers deep within Glimmer's core.

Of course, this wasn't how it always was. The two cuddled, but Adora was always the one who got cuddled by Glimmer, being the dominant in the relationship. They would still act like friends around one another like things always were, but the second they were alone, things always got heated.

They both liked it that way.


"The Horde has recaptured an Outpost in the Northern Reach." Queen Angella declared as soon as all the princesses were inside the meeting room. Everyone took their places in the designated seats, with Adora in a slightly bigger one since she was She Ra.

"That place again?" Glimmer sighed, standing up and pressing her hands against the table. "We need to fortify that place permanently, cause I'm tired of going to that cold-ass place."

"Language, Commander Glimmer." Mermista sarcastically remarked, earning a little laugh from everyone else.

Angella was not amused by the use of the word, though, but she didn't pay it any mind, standing up as well and looking at her daughter.

"We've had that area fortified for years, Glimmer," she gave off a frustrated sigh through her nose. "We have to take whatever is over there that they're after."

"It's the First One's tech." Adora replied in Glimmer's place. "Hordak is building some sort of device with that technology, and Entrapta's being used to find it."

She then looked down, confused. "But they already took it all, so I'm not sure why they're still capturing outposts."

"It's probably just to gain more ground on us." Bow shrugged, standing up and grabbing his arrow. "Let's go on out, before Sea Hawk goes off on his daily Sails in Salineas without us."

"Daily Sails?" Mermista frowned.

"Yeah, he told me he likes to take his boat out for quick drives when the sun is still up high..." Bow shook his head, "Nevermind that, let's just go!"

"Do we all need to go?" Perfuma raised a hand. "I seemed to handle them pretty well with just yourselves and She Ra."

Adora opened her mouth to respond, but Glimmer spoke first.

"They'll most likely have more soldiers there, since this isn't the first time they've captured that outpost." She looked at everyone. "Let's go."

"Be careful, dear." Angella warned her daughter gingerly, and Glimmer smiled at her with a nod.

"We will, mom."

Adora grabbed her sword from her back, shouted her signature phrase, and ran ahead of the others towards the castle's wardrobe, so they could get their coats to fight against the frozen tundra they were about to face.---

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