The Queen

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So, if you've seen season 3, these events take place before that time period, for obvious reasons.

I won't state why for those who haven't seen it.

"Catra and Adora in the woods" scenario will be out soon. Sorry if the wait was a little long.

I'm gonna go heal from that powerful season now. Enjoy.

          "Honestly, shut the hell up." Glimmer did her best to sound jealous, annoyed, angry, even. But she couldn't help but laugh her ass off at Adora's story, in genuine disbelief that what she was saying was true.

"She grabbed my wrist and started making up her own language!" Adora watched Glimmer's face go red, failing to hold back her laughs at the thought. "She was just too embarrassed to ask for a second round!"

" god...did you guys even work on the 'invention' thing?" Glimmer plopped onto her large violet sofa, Adora copying her shorty after.

"" Adora grinned. "I literally brought it up at the end of it all and she just stared at me like a deer in headlights."

Glimmer snorted before laughing again, clutching her stomach and holding back wheezes. It might not seem funny...but Glimmer found it fucking hysterical that Entrapta finally got fucked.

Her eyes shut to their limit and jaw already hurting from her immense laughter, Glimmer eventually calmed down with a long, loud sigh, feeling her previously tense muscles relax as she lay down on the soft surface below her.

Adora looked at her with a warm smile, gaze softening with passion, before she looked up at the clock above Glimmer's bedroom door.


"Damn...feels like six." Adora murmured, intentionally for herself and herself only to hear...but Glimmer heard it anyways.

"What was that?"

Adora cringed in surprise for literally a split second, before nervously laughing. "Nothing, just checking the time."

Glimmer hummed in response, toying with her magic and letting glitter float around the room as she did so. Adora watched in silent thought, her mind on every little event that had occurred during the past few days.

It was honestly a miracle, how Adora managed to adapt to every scenario so quickly. How she could change a mood with just a few words. How she could give off a vibe that sent others wild inside. How she managed to do what she previously thought she couldn't.

Just as Adora began to mentally praise herself for coping with everything so well, a knock was heard on Glimmer's bedroom door. Three light taps told the two girls that someone was intending to get in.

Glimmer didn't even bother to look up from her hand. "Yeah?" She called.

"Is Princess Adora in there?" A guard's deep, gruff voice boomed from outside the room. At the sound of the sudden visitor, Glimmer shared a confused glance with her blonde girlfriend, but only shrugged the strange question off as she turned her gaze back to the door, answering.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Queen Angella would like her presence in her room as soon as possible."

"Uh oh." Glimmer instantly stated sarcastically, pointedly looking at Adora with a shit-eating grin. "Someone's in trouble."

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