The "Invention."

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I apologize if this seems rushed. I got multiple requests at once and this book is getting great attention, so I'm trying to get chapters out quicker.

The was supposed to be posted DAYS ago, but due to yet ANOTHER issue, I couldn't post until now. The issue has been resolved (I think) and hopefully nothing like this happens 




Miles off, in a tall, dark building decorated with tinted windows, a certain purple-haired princess sat in midair, her two long pigtails holding her weight as she tinkered with a large bot taller than her own self.

A wrench in one hand, screws in her other and a mask over her face, Entrapta proceeded to both update and repair her private invention, a machine that she planned to reveal to the people of Etheria once it was ready.

"Hm..." After a few moments of thought, the girl raised the metal platform covering her face and blinked to refocus her vision, glaring at some undone screws and misplaced wires. "I'm not too sure where I want to put anything!"

Wrinkling her nose in hard thought, the scientist sat for a moment more, hoping that simply staring at her invention would cause some kind of new plan to pop into her head, but nothing happened, leaving the poor inventor lost.

"Gah! This is hopeless!" Plopping herself back onto the tile floor, which was covered in stains from previous oil spills, Entrapta covered her face with both hands in defeat. "How can I make a pleasuring device for people without knowledge on anything related??" She groaned loudly into her palms, having never felt this exhausted and defeated in ages.

There she sat, slumped over with her legs crossed, face buried into both hands, her mind still trying to come up with something despite feeling defeated already. Her soft breaths warmed her hands and her eyes were shut to their limits, the princess completely locking herself away in her own hall of shame.

But eventually, minutes went many minutes that Entrapta felt like she'd fallen asleep by the time she finally got an idea. No...a plan, because plans were supposed to work. And this one? Entrapta was sure it would.

A grin reappearing on her face as quickly as it'd gone, Entrapta shot herself up into a giddy standing position, a much healthier stance opposed to the slumped over posture she'd taken moments before.

With a gentle but ecstatic giggle, the scientist bolted out of her lab and through the exit of her large yet empty kingdom, her destination being known as the home of Etheria's Legendary Hero.


Since the orgy that She Ra and Glimmer had gladly attended, She Ra's confidence had never been greater. She was never finding herself shaming her looks as herself or the legendary hero when she looked in the mirror, remembering all the looks she got in public and the moments she shared with nearly every princess in Etheria.

She was both nervous, and unimaginably ecstatic about it all. To summarize, she was enjoying every ounce of attention she got and every effect it had on her. She and Glimmer had gotten closer, both emotionally and physically. Catra seemed to act a lot less...dominant around her whenever they caught glimpses of one another in the forest, which was good, since Adora hated feeling submissive towards someone. And She Ra had special bonds with every princess she'd ever touched, bonds that she was sure were unbreakable.

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