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Dan was sitting in the front row with his family as Phil walked across the stage, his body covered in a black robe with the only thing being visible being Phil's goofy red polka dot shoes that Dan begged him not to wear that day. Dan's never smiled bigger than when the monotonous voice said 'Philip Michael Lester' and Phil walked across the stage, his eyes wandering to Dan with an equally big smile. He managed to get across without tripping, thankfully, and made it back to his seat, chatting with some of his classmates, the smiling never leaving his face. 

Dan so conflicted feelings wise that day. His best friend did it. He graduated. So, of course, Dan was ecstatic, but he was also suddenly very aware of the fact that at the end of the summer, Phil would be heading off to University of York without him. He was moving on from his childish best friend. 

When the ceremony was over, Phil made a beeline for where his family was. The smile was still very present as he gave his mum and dad a big hug, Dan's mum and dad a hug, before standing in front of Dan. Their parents stepped back a bit and just began discussing that night's dinner plans as the best friends stood there, just staring at each other. 

Dan couldn't help but smile, throwing his arms around Phil in a tight hug that lasted longer than it usually would. Dan's stomach lurched as his mind wandered a bit, trying to think about if that meant that Phil liked him before settling on it just being because of the emotions of graduating. Phil's hand rested on Dan's back, holding him against him. 

"I'm so proud of you for not giving up," Dan whispered to him. "You've worked so hard to get to this day." Phil smiled before burying his face in Dan's shoulder, letting some tears of happiness drip on his sweater, making note that it was the one Phil had gotten him for Christmas that year. 

Phil pulled away to wipe his eyes with the sleeve of the robe, grinning like an idiot at Dan. "You know that means that you can't give up either. I fully expect to be here in four years to watch the same 90 year old dude say 'Daniel James Howell' and see you trip across the stage."

"I won't give up. I'm too far in to just give up now." Dan laughed, pulling his sleeves over his hand to wipe his own tears away, reaching over to help Phil with his tears. 

"I love you," 

"I love you too," Dan whispered, smiling as he made eye contact with Phil, just now noticing the weirdly small distance between them. He sighed and stepped back a bit. 

"Do you have plans tonight?" Dan asked, picking his nails again, a nervous habit. Phil could tell that he was nervous but couldn't quite plan what he was nervous about. 

"I mean, I was thinking that I might go over to a friend's house. Hang out there for the night," Phil answered nonchalantly, grinning as Dan looked sad for a moment. "Dipshit, I'm talking about you." 

Dan's eyes narrowed as he glared at Phil and smacked his chest slightly, "You're so mean! I thought you had other friends for a moment. I should've know better, I'm your only friend." he grinned, nudging Phil's arm. 

"You're my best friend." he said, his voice dropping down softly so only Dan could hear. "Best friend and soulmate forever." 

Dan's heart pounded and his eyes locked with Phil's as he spoke. Soulmates? Did Phil know that Dan could already see colors? Did he figure out that it was Phil would made him see those colors? Did he figure out that Dan was hopelessly in love with him. 

"No matter who my soulmate actually is, they'll always be second to you." Phil said, "Dan, you'll be my friend forever."

Dan's heart crushed, friendzoned again.

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