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After sitting in silence for about ten minutes, Phil spoke up, mumbling something about going to take a shower and get ready for bed before disappearing out of Dan's room. He laid back in his bed for a while, staring at the ceiling. Did that mean that Phil liked him too? 

He replayed that moment in his head over and over again, remembering what Phil felt like, smelled like, tasted like. Dan sighed, forcing himself out of bed to change into pajamas. He tugged on a pair of loose joggers and peeled his shirt off before Phil was walking back in, wearing the exact same joggers and no shirt as Dan. He couldn't help but laugh a bit. 

"We've got the same pants." he mumbled, making his way back to his bed. Phil laid down on Dan's bed, pulling the duvet on him and turning on his side to face away from Dan. 

"Goodnight," Phil said softly, not seeing as Dan just stared at Phil wide eyed. Phil was seriously just going to bed after he kissed him? Did it mean anything at all? Were they both supposed to ignore it, forget that it happened?

"Goodnight." Dan said back, not voicing his concerns as he turned his light off. 

It didn't take long before Phil was asleep, but Dan was still very much awake, his brain just replaying that kiss over and over again. Is the reason why Phil just went to bed without acknowledging the kiss because it wasn't good? Because it was so good to Dan, but with it being his first kiss, he didn't know any better. Then came the really bad thoughts. 

Why was Phil kissing him? He was just some 14 year old closeted nerd. Phil was 18, he could have anyone in the whole damn school if he wanted them. So, was it because Dan was just who was there, or was it because he wanted him? 

It's easy to say that Dan did not sleep that night. 

When Phil stirred awake, it was about ten in the morning. Dan would never get over what Phil looks like when he wakes up. He shifted about in the bed before begrudgingly snapping his eyes open, like he was trying to return to bed before just giving up. He turned on his side and looked at Dan, who was pretending to be asleep as to not concern Phil with why he was awake. Dan slowly opened his eyes to make eye contact with Phil, who with his messy bed hair and tired eyes looked so beautiful to him. He smiled a little, trying to keep himself from showing any emotion to Phil. 

"Morning," Phil spoke, and god, Dan almost melted at the tone of his voice. It was deep and laced with sleep and sexiness. 

"Morning." Dan squeaked out in return, blushing at his own tired voice, which seemed to make Phil smile. The two then sat in silence, just staring into each other's eyes, almost trying to read the other's thoughts. 

"Do you want to kiss again?" Phil asked anxiously, his eyes locked on Dan as he waited for an answer. Dan turned red, his eyes widening before nodding nervously. Phil connected their lips again, moving his lips against with a slightly faster pace than the previous night. The kiss was still soft and sweet, the two connected so perfectly. Phil brought his hand up slowly to grab the side of Dan's face, holding his cheek in his hand as he tilted his head back a little. Dan made a soft noise before pulling away with a blush on his cheeks. 

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Phil asked, pulling his hand back immediately, scooting back to give him space. 

Dan shook his head, "No, sorry. I just... I've never done this before." he answered. 

Phil nodded slightly, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You didn't. I was fine with that," he answered truthfully. "I'm actually quite embarrassed about how much I liked that." 

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