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     It wasn't always called Liz Corp. It used to be called Cleadsville. A small town somewhere in the middle of America. No one really knew it existed. There were all sorts of problems that happened there. Poverty, abandonment, limited resources etc. Half of the farmers that did live there left because the ground had just given up.

Cleadsville and the people who lived there were set to waste away. Until one day a millionaire decided to change some things. Her name was Lizabeth Makintosh. But she went by Liz. She thought it was time she pushed the world forward, so what better way to do that than to start small? And from scratch? Liz started with foster care, she wanted the children to have the same quality education as everyone else, so she created a foster center school. It was kind of like a camp hotel that raises kids until they were old enough to get there own career of their choice.
The foster centers had each level of education (except college of course) and there would be staff members that take care of the children and their needs. The foster center started taking care of kids all over town with no families or homes. They became so effective that they began to multiply overtime. Liz became famous and people from everywhere were funding to keep the centers active.
You could say it left a big hole her wallet.
As technology to improved, Liz started putting high tech devices in her centers. Around this time her addiction to control began.

Students in foster care had to fill out surveys based on what they wanted out of life, and they'd continue on that path until they graduated.
Cleadsville now has a intelligent population and it continued to increase. When Liz was elected governor she got involved with being part of genetic and scientific research. She was so obsessed with being part of everything she was informed about all that happened in Cleadsville. They started having clinical trials on a serum to increase your lifespan, and decades later Liz invested into a company that makes robots and other technologies.

By this time, Cleadsville had skyscrapers and fancy tech. Cleadsville was advancing faster than the rest of the world. Liz has countless offers from other countries to "share" her new technology, but she always denied them.
At least a century later, after some of the world's diseases were cured, Cleadsville was the most tech advanced city in the world. The city lived inside a huge dome made out of advanced metal and glass, along with microchips and other machinery. There's no such thing as grass or trees in Cleadsville now. The outside of the dome has a protective thick outer layer so the "real" world and other natural disasters wouldn't destroy Cleadsville. There were huge poles that directed lightning towards the ground on the outside as well.
Robots were successfully living amongst people around this time, all transportation hovered. The sidewalks and roads were paved metal and magnetic material. And pretty blue lights decorated every thing. In artificial day and night. Hologram keyboards and other objects came out recently. People can now live passed one hundred and thirty. No one knew how old Liz was though, or how she was.....still..... alive. But Liz decided to rename her new city (since she was now "president") from Cleadsville to Liz Corp. She didn't stop there, she changed most of her companies and businesses to; Liz tech, Liz robotics, Liz smart homes etc. She couldn't change the names for everything, but she changed what she thought was suitable. Being the chief, leader or founder of most of the big companies. She was leading upgrades for robo dogs and more efficient police technology. A year later no one would remember when cars touched the ground, or when roads were made of tar, or when people lived in poverty, or when children were in foster care, or when people had common cold or even when animals were loose on the streets.

Dogs don't even act the way they used to anymore. Back in the day, Liz had animal control catch abandoned pets and have them taken to places (Petcare center) to be "fixed." Not the surgical kind of fix your thinking of though. A different kind of fix. Liz had dogs genetically modified or fixed to act a very certain way and to process information faster. So (dog) generations later breeders in LizCorp had dogs that wouldn't bark out at random people, or fight other organisms. Or do anything that was considered bad. They were naturally trained, so when you bought one you wouldn't have to. It was convenient for people who didn't have time to train but still wanted a dog. Most of which found it beneficial, but others claimed it was morally wrong. Dogs these days don't even know how to "dog" anymore. They sit when they're told, walk when they're told, play when they're told. At the end of the day they're just following orders.

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