Chapter 3

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When Mrs. Kenzi woke up, she was startled to see three doctors in the same room, but we told her she would be fine.

"I save you by the way." Charles stated.

"I'm pretty sure you just freaked out until I showed up, Wilkins." I responded smiling smugly to myself.

"You're funny, banana boy." He smirked.

Mason didn't say anything, for he was looking at data and stuff on his clipboard. As usual he was quiet.

"There's been a delivery downstairs, new devices." Mason said, glued to his board.

"Don't open it!" Kenzi shouted making all of us jump.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I think they were sent here by mistake, because they're extremely unstable. I don't know how they got here but we weren't supposed to ship them anywhere until they approved save."

"Maybe they were shipped here by accident." Charles theorized.

"Yeah, but accidents aren't supposed to happen in LizCorp."

The room got quiet after that. Kenzi tried to get up but, we all told that it was best to recover sitting down.

"Okay well, tell your boss not to open it, we programmed them too smart so.... just wait for Liztech to pick the box back up and—"
She was cut off from an announcement from Dr. Henry. It was heard throughout the building.

"Everyone mind the packages, I just received word from the government that they aren't for us. Don't! Open them. Thank you, and continue with your work." Her voice seemed to smile at the end. As she hung up.

"Well, that problem's solved." Charles shrugged.

"Boxes?......" Kenzi murmured to herself.

"Why would there be more than one wrong delivery?" Mason asked, stretching Kenzi concern.

"—Mason, stop giving her stuff to worry about." I whispered to him, but she heard it anyway.

"No it's okay, he makes a valid point."

"Well, I'm sure it's nothing serious, Mrs. Cain. You just focus on suing your coworkers tomorrow after you stay the night today." Charles smiled, and left.

The rest us prescribed her medication for pain relief and met with him on the elevator.

We were all squished in the elevator. It wasn't just Mason, Charles and me. Jenny and Stacy were also on the elevator. And this other girl that I didn't know, but she was dressed like she worked here. Dr. Jenny Yang Hashimi was optimistic person and had to be good at her job to be working here. I honestly saw her all the time but never really new much about her. Just that she stares at me through her squarish glasses sometimes, and it's weird so I stare at her back so she could feel the awkwardness. Then, when she would she would stop and excuse herself, leaving me with the last laugh. Ha. The one thing that I didn't get about her was that yellow, red and blue stripped hat that she would wear. Every day! It wasn't even cold..... all the time, she just couldn't take it off even if it was on fire. She'd put on her cap over it. She had to be born with that thing, I mean was she bald? Her black hair was normally in two braids that came down her shoulders. She didn't seem bald. But she would undo it and pin it up time for surgery. I never understood that hat. Other than that she seemed, normal. Stacy was butt. I knew her but nobody likes her. Okay I lied, she has friends but they seem to more of duplicates of her that comrades. Stacy, blonde curls would never go unnoticed when she passed by, and you could pin her by the sound of her voice because you could never not hear it. She was always gossiping about something. About celebrities, her ugly cousin (as she puts it), her future husband Alexander Makintosh. Me. I always seemed to solve the most problems around here so I was most of the attention. But she didn't have to talk about it. But of course it didn't bother me, I had plenty of other things to worry about, like getting off this elevator.

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