Chapter 4

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We all barged into the office, and slammed the door behind us as bugs continued to take over the building.

Jill had already had the holographic screens up displaying all the commotion in all levels of the building. I was wondering where all our robots went, and turns out they were being destroyed from the inside by those flying creatures. And Jill, well she was unconscious sprawled out on the floor. Since it didn't take a rocket scientist to check a pulse, we had Jenny check. And fortunately she wasn't dead.


A ring ceiling turned blue in response.

We all screamed in response to turn off the heat.

"Lowering temperature...."

We all took a temporary sigh of relief as we felt the air condition come back on. Now I could focus again.

"Are you in need of a vaccine?" A young woman asked.

We all bumped into each other as we glared in every direction waiting for that winged goblin. But no one, or at least not I— could find that disgrace of a robot.

"Raising temperature to 89 degrees." Liz announced.

We all shouted in complaint at the ceiling but she didn't respond.

"Looks like we have to do it manually." Mason mumbled, shaking his head slightly.
He went to control settings and slowly swiped down the holographic slider that adjusted temp. In that moment Jenny gasped.

"Mason don't—"

It was too late, the Hexz bug had already injected anesthesia in his right hand with its precise little needle.

"You have been given artificial immunity." Said the little wasp as Mason's eyes rolled back and he collapsed to the floor.

The bug hovered in mid air as it stared at the rest of us.

"Well you guys didn't catch him?! What kind of people are you he probably has a concussion...." Charles complained

"You didn't do anything either—!!" I was interrupted.

"Ah—nope, I don't wanna hear it. Just own up to your mistakes and you'll feel better." He shook his head in disgust.

I liked how he blamed me and not Jenny. Who was much too in shock to say anything.

"Raising temperature...." Liz declared.

I wasn't sure if it was just me, but the robot's wing beat seemed to increase. You know, as it got hotter. But of course I'm not a technician, I work on things that are... naturally alive.

"You are dehydrated...." Said the Hexz bug in a very nice woman's voice.

We all looked at each other. Surly it didn't have anything left for us.

"Signaling IV fluid." The bug shook its little antennas as continued to hover.

"No! No—no—no!" We all screamed but that only made things worse.

It flew towards us with its needle and of course we stumbled over each other trying to go the other way. We all scrambled screaming as we ran circles  around Dr. Henry's desk. There was closet I noticed but it was quite small. I squeezed into it first and Jenny followed and there wasn't enough room for one more.

"No Tomas don't do this! I want to live too!! You can't do this!" Charles pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Charlie!!" Was my only response to him.

I could help but realized that it was the first time I did feel sorry for him. You can't forget the annoying people in your life. But I'd probably regret the feeling later. I painfully closed the door on him, as he slammed into it. He twisted the door nob aggressively but I had looked it.

"Noo! Daniel! I thought we were friends. How could you?!" His voice muffled on the other side. He banged on the door.

"Charles I need to think!!" I demanded, I rubbed my temples.

And with that he was silent. Too silent, in fact not another sound came from the other side of the door. Jenny silently covered on hand over her mouth. As she shook slightly.

I sighed, I couldn't think by my self. Where was government, they should've been here long time ago, but then again what could they do? We closed in ourselves to keep the problem from spreading. I wondered if Jake could see me now. Or anyone in the government in that matter. Watching everything probably arguing on how to fix the mishap. Me and Jenny were going to die from over heating in a closet because we were too lousy to solve the problem for ourselves. I guess I wasn't as smart as I thought I was.

Jenny sighed hot air. "Dumb hot bugs. Why were they given access to Liz anyway?"

Then it hit me.

"Wait you said hot bugs."

"Well yeah, they react.... to thermal energy..." Her eyes went wider with every word.

Jenny smiled which must've been contagious because my face also felt funny.

"The bugs are telling Liz to turn up the heat so they can function! Those flying idiots thought they could put smart us."

I frowned in disgust. "They almost did."

"Well not now they haven't. We got to get out there and turn down the heat to cold."Jenny stated .

I unlocked the door but was afraid to open it. I sighed.

"I could use myself as live bait if you want me too while you got to the computer and—mmm—mmm." I covered her mouth.

"No wait." I cracked the closet and peaked out.

And There was the Hexz bug.................

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