Chapter 1

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Ashlyn Barton walked along the terrain of Wakanda to an hut, some goats and chickens outside. The red-headed woman walked over to the hut and raised an hand to knock, "You don't have to knock, ya know.", she turned and softly smiled, "It's proper manners. I was raised to show manners and respect to all who show me the same.", Bucky smiled, "When you aren't ready to kick ass, you're pretty sweet.", she frowned, "I wasn't sweet during the civil war?", Bucky chuckled and she smiled, "That's not what I meant.", she winked, "I know.", Bucky softly smiled, "I just don't understand why you helped. You have a family. You risked it all, for someone you didn't even know.", she softly smiled as she placed a hand on his arm, "I didn't know you personally, but Steve does. And I trust Steve with my life. I have since we met and I will for the rest of time. In this world and the next.", Bucky softly smiled and her emergency phone rang, she farrowed her eyebrows as she answered, "Tony? What's wrong?", she frowned at his words, "I can be there in an hour.", Bucky looked at her as she hung up and she raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?", she looked at him, "I don't know. But I need to go to New York and find out.", Bucky frowned, "How are you going to do that?", she smirked as flames surrounded her and she was wearing her Phoenix suit and her hair was in a pony tail, "Steve didn't tell you everything I can do?", he shook his head and she chuckled, "Tell Clint and the kids I've gone to New York, Tony needed me.", she disappeared in a flame and Bucky gapped. His head spinning, then he chuckled. She is the Phoenix.

Fire filled the air and Steven Strange and Wong got into a defensive stance and Wong threw a spell, but it was deflected as the fire died down. "That's no way to treat a guest.", Tony and Bruce smiled and Ashlyn raised an eyebrow, "Nat know your back?", Bruce shook his head, "You're so dead.", she raised an eyebrow, "Why did I get called here?", Tony looked at his watch, "What happened to being here in an hour?", she shrugged, "I have a messenger.", he nodded and Bruce looked at them, "Where's Steve?", she shrugged, "He, Nat, and Sam went on a mission earlier this week. Deep cover. I think they're in Germany but I'm not sure. Steve didn't tell me.", she blinked, "What's going on?", Tony and Bruce shared a look, "You were right. A being named Thanos is coming and he wants to use the Infinity Stones to attack Earth.", she nodded, "Tell me more.", and Steven Strange frowned. This is the great Phoenix. Bruce began to explain what happened and Ashlyn listened.

"Let Thanos come, because if we can't stop him from destroying our world, our home, we can damn sure avenge it. Whoever is left, whatever it takes, no matter what we lose. Our priority will always lay with protecting Earth. Even if they don't know we're doing it. We're the Avengers, and I don't know about you guys but that means something to me. So let the purple asshole come, I'll have his head on a spear before he can even snap.", the group all looked at her and Tony frowned at her, "Uh, Whoa. You've changed.", she tilted her head, "No shit, Sherlock.", she raised an eyebrow as she turned, "Now, who's the magician?", Steven Strange raised an eyebrow, "I'm a Master of the Mystic Arts, and my name is Doctor Steven Strange.", she nodded and her eyes widened as she thought back to a few years ago, "Right. Hydra tried to kill you a few years ago.", Tony and Bruce sighed as Steven's eyes widened, "What?", she sighed a placed a hand on her forehead, "Oh. So not so Mystic then. Yeah. Hydra wanted to kill the avengers and anyone now and in the future that could risk their existence. It was an interesting time. It's when we first met James Buchanan Barnes, Sergeant of the 107th during WWII and the only howling commando to lose his life in the fight against Hydra. Or so the world thought.", Steven's eyes were wide and Bruce softly smiled as Tony farrowed his eyebrows, "How many times did you go to the museum?", she glanced at him with a raised eyebrow and arms across her chest, "Once, I'm a genius. I remember things. And while you were trying to kill him, I took the time to get to know the real Bucky Barnes. Not the one Hydra made.", Bruce glanced at Tony, "You tried to kill Steve's best friend?", Tony clenched his jaw as he looked at Ashlyn, "You're still not over that?", she shook her head, "No. I'm not.", and she turned back to Steven, "Now, back to Thanos and the Infinity Stones. What's the-", she paused as she felt something shift, she tilted her head and walked toward the front door, "Something has entered the atmosphere.", her hair moved and so did Steven's, "You two wouldn't be moving your hair, would you?", they both shook their heads, "No, not at this moment.", she clenched her jaw, "I have to evacuate the citizens.", and she ran out the door and jumped into the air, "Cover your ears!", and she gave a Phoenix cry. "Leave! Get inside!", and she fell to the ground as two aliens left the ring like ship. Her ear comm was filled with static and it screeched, she hissed. Her heart jumped as Steve's voice filled her ears, "Wanda sent an SOS.", she glanced at Tony, who nodded, "Save the kid.", she nodded, "Vision was with her. He has the-", Tony nodded, "Go!", Steven gapped as she disappeared. "Where is she going?", Tony looked at the Doctor, "She left to protect one of the other stones.", and Steven nodded.

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