Chapter 1

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It had been 23 days since Thanos snapped and the world lost half of it's living population. 23 days since The Darach had tried to take control of Ashlyn Walsh. 23 days since Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Groot, Shuri, T'Challa, Scott Lang, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, and the Barton Twins had disappeared; along with Laura Jones and many others. Pepper Potts had arrived and she was very worried about Ashlyn, in fact, they all were. She was working non-stop to try and figure out how to fix everything. It was growing dark and that's when Steve was sent into the "War Room" to pull Ashlyn out for food because no one knew when she last ate. Rocket looked at Natasha and Thor, "She's really focused.", Natasha glanced down, "Her whole world had fallen apart and she only told one person, now he and her children are gone; along with the people she views as family.", Thor spoke, "Lady Ashlyn lost her family once before, granted it was a lie, but she won't stand to lose her true family. And she is very stubborn, and scary.", Rocket nodded as they watched Steve and Ashlyn from the other side of the glass.

Steve frowned as she had been tinkering with the computer and hologram table, "Ash.", she was very clearly ignoring him. Her hands were cut up and bruised, the cuts healing slowly by her own devices, to remind her that this was real. Her failure was real. Her eyes were focused and Steve clenched his jaw. "Ashlyn.", he still got no response. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "Agent 19!", and her head snapped up, her eyes glowing and her veins flickering with her power, "That isn't my name.", Steve sighed, "I didn't know how else to get you to respond.", he glanced at her desk, which was a mess, and saw the packet from before Thanos came. The folder had some discoloration on it, her tears being the cause. Steve sighed, "Ash, it's been nearly month, have you even slept?", she glanced at him, her fatigue showing but she couldn't sleep, not now. "What day is it?", Steve frowned, "Ash, it's been 23 days.", she swallowed, "Then yes, I slept two nights ago. I thought I figured something out, I just, I need Rocket. He's from space right? So he knows more than I do and don't worry, I ate this morning. Nat made me a sandwich.", and she went back to work. Steve placed a hand on top of hers and ran his thumb over her bruises and cuts, "Why aren't you healing?", she swallowed, "Originally it started out as Somatoformic injuries.", Steve farrowed his eyebrows as he had no clue what she just said, "Now it's a way to make me realize that this is real. This isn't a dream. I'm not going to just wake up and things are going to be better.", she had tears in her eyes, "It's a way to remind myself that this is real.", Rhodes walked into the building and frowned as he saw Ashlyn but the redhead ignored him, then she felt the concern and worry they all held for her, even Rocket. She sighed as she gave in. "Alright, I guess I can step away for a moment. I'll make dinner.", and Steve sighed a breath of relief as they left her room.

The group was eating a dinner of meatloaf and steamed vegetables that Ashlyn had quickly made when they started spitballing ideas. "Let Rocket tinker with our computers and he can get us a scan of the known galaxies and we can find Thanos and the stones.", Rocket smiled, "Wait, you actually want me to tinker with your shit?", Ashlyn raised an eyebrow, "Should I not want you to?", Rocket laughed, "Oh no. You should.", she smiled and winked at the raccoon. "Then it's settled, you shall tinker.", she paused as she felt the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stand up. She stood up and her form was covered in fire and her clothes were replaced with her Phoenix suit, her hair now in a ponytail, and her wounds healed. "Did you guys feel that?", they all shared a look and Pepper spoke, "Feel what?", Ashlyn farrowed her eyes as her whip and swords appeared on her person, "Someone entered the atmosphere, it's a ship.", she spun quickly and began to run outside with the group following, Natasha spoke, "What are you doing?", Ashlyn licked her lips as her veins flashed, "Preparing to fight.", Rhodes spoke, "What if it's an ally?", and that's when the Darach answered, "Then they best have a damn good excuse on why they weren't here before or their head will be of their shoulders.", and the group stood back as Ashlyn levitated in the air and her power surged, bringing the ship down as a woman with blonde hair levitated in front of her, "Are you friend or foe?", the woman's eyes were wide, Fury had told Kara of Ashlyn Walsh but this was someone different. The ramp of the ship opened and Tony Stark, Nebula, and Pietro walked out. Tony's eyes were wide as he looked at Ashlyn, then he found Pepper. "Who are you! Speak before I lose my patience and end you.", Pepper hugged Tony but their reunion was cut short, "Tony, you have to get her back.", he nodded, "Asher!", she heard it but she ignored him. "My name is Kara Danvers, Fury called me.", Ashlyn glared as her fist closed and the blonde started choking while a red blistering hand print wrapped around her throat, "You lie. Fury is dead, along with half of this world's population! Who are you!", the woman was gasping and she tried to use her powers but Ashlyn contained her powers and the woman's eyes were filled with fear, "Ashlyn!", her eyes stopped glowing and she dropped the blonde, Steve catching her. Ashlyn landed and her powers faded as Kara coughed in the background and Ashlyn ran over to Tony and hugged him as she cried. That's when Pietro and Tony noticed the ring missing. The redhead hugged the silver haired boy as she collapsed with sobs, she was muttering in different languages, and he held her, his eyes wide as the two returning avengers looked at their remaining comrades, "What the hell happened?", and Thor picked up a now sleeping Ashlyn as Rhodes, Pepper, Bruce, and Nat helped Tony and Pietro inside and Rocket looked at Nebula and he gave her a small hug, "The temperamental redhead, she wants to go after Thanos and get everyone back using the stones as well as prevent Thanos for ever collecting them. She gave me permission to use their computers and tech, but I could use help.", Nebula nodded, "I'll help. One question though, who is the temperamental redhead?", Rocket softly smiled, "Her name is Ashlyn Walsh, used to be Ashlyn Walsh-Barton. Before your daddy came her life hit the toilet and her husband left her and took the kids. But a man with a metal arm helped her heal and when Thanos snapped the man, her kids, her family, and her ex-husband all disappeared. Along with half this world's population, I'm guessing it also effected who was fighting Thanos as well.", Nebula nodded, "Tony, Pietro and I are the only ones left. We had Mantis, Drax, a Wizard, Peter, and a young boy in a spider suit with us. They all just turned to dust and to get the soul stone, he had to sacrifice the thing he loved most.", Rocket sighed, "Gamora.", Nebula looked down, "Ashlyn might seem crazy, and she kind of is, but she's fighting for control of herself. There's two sides to Ashlyn Walsh. If you meet Ashlyn herself, you'll love her. Well, maybe not you since you hate everyone but, most people love her. But right now, she's not fully Ashlyn. Natasha, the short haired blonde told us about it. Her powers are too strong sometimes, and while she has a good grip and control of them, but if she is too stressed or sad or angry her powers take control of her. Natasha called this personality the Darach. Ashlyn has her hand on the wheel but the Darach has a hand on her. So, no one knows who exactly is in control.", Nebula frowned, "Why would someone want to leave her? She's beautiful, and powerful.", Rocket shrugged, "Don't know. We should get inside. It'll be a while before Ashlyn wakes up, she told the blonde man that she'd only been awake for two days but that's a lie. She's been awake for 5. So she'll be asleep for a while. She thought that the two that arrived with you were gone and Ashlyn won't want to do this without them. Come on, Ash just made dinner. Meatloaf and steamed vegetables with either sweet tea or lemonade to drink, or water.", Nebula nodded and the two entered the Avengers Compound.

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