Chapter 3

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  Thanos' creatures had taken over and the group of warriors, Avengers, fought. Ashlyn had levitated into the sky and was killing the creatures faster than they could run up. "That one is mine.", she glared at the alien and dropped down, "Are you sure you want to do this?", the alien laughed, "What happened to ripping my heart out?", she smirked, "I'll still do that.", and she leaped forward, her fist meeting his face. She snarled at him and he growled at her, "Ash!", the alien tried to swat her away like a bug but she stopped his fist and she smirked, "I'm not your normal human, idiot.", and she punched him, "I got this!", she turned and her eyes widened, "Donuts of death, right.", she raised her hands and tried to sent them off course but she was tackled by the alien and some of Thanos' creatures tried to attack her. She grunted and her eyes flashed their fire amber shade and the creatures and alien were thrown back, the creatures died. "Ash! You couldn't have done that sooner?!", she glared at Steve and landed to begin fighting again and a rainbow landed just beside her and she smirked as an ax flew from the bifrost and lightning followed, Bruce laughed. "You guys are screwed now!", she looked at the man in the Hulkbuster suit, "Were they not screwed before?", he chuckled and she smirked as she fought with Thor, a tree, and a raccoon. The group quickly got rid of some of the beast as Steve and Bucky ran over, "I see you copied my haircut.", Thor smirked, "I see you copied my beard.", Ashlyn chuckled and her eyes glanced toward the forest, "How much for the gun.", Bucky glanced at the raccoon, "Not for sell.", the raccoon nodded, "What about the arm?", Bucky sent the raccoon a look and Ashlyn sighed, "Ready for another bout?", Thor glanced at her, "Getting sleepy, Lady Ashlyn?", she smirked, "Not even close.", and then she paused, "Shit.", and flew toward the forest. The group watching as the tree was killing things. Thor looked at Steve, "This is my friend Tree and Rabbit.", Steve farrowed his eyebrows and the raccoon spoke, "I'm Rocket.", and he and Bucky ran off to fight together, "I am Groot!", Steve turned and placed a hand on his chest, "I am Steve Rogers.", that's when the group heard a scream.

Ashlyn was fight against the other child of Thanos to protect my only Vision, but Wanda too. She turned and threw the alien backwards before hitting him with some Phoenix Fire, but he disappeared and when he reappeared, he was behind her with a spear. It stabbed into her back and came out the other side. "Ash!", she grunted as she fell forward, "Ash is hurt!", the alien laughed, "What happened to-", and the spear was in the air and went through his head as Ashlyn stood up. The Phoenix fire around her and her eyes glowing, her veins glowing too. She held her head high and fought as the other's ran into the forest. Ashlyn looked like a demon. Her suit was torn and damaged, her side covered in her blood, blood on her face. She was covered in the blood of Thanos' creatures and the children. That's when Thanos dropped. Ashlyn levitated in the air and her voice came out different, "Take Vision.", and Wanda ran, further into the forest. "Thanos the Mad Titan!", he smirked, "You've heard of me?", she snarled, "You're going to wish I hadn't.", and they fought. Thanos went to use one of the stones but she got behind him and smacked him down, her hands glowed with flames and she grabbed the Gauntlet. "You can't do anything, witch!", and Thanos moved her backwards with the reality Stone, but before he could blink, she was back. "Wanna bet?", he glared and tried to use a stone again and she slapped him backwards, but he used one of the stones and she was thrown into the cliff away from them. "Ash!", Natasha frowned, "She'll be back Sarge, just keep Thanos away from Vision.", and they all started fighting.

Ash flew through the air and landed right on top of Thanos when she dropped, she punched him and he screamed as his face got burnt. Her eyes were glowing and her fire brighter, "Get the hell off my planet you purple nutsack.", and she punched him again and Steve knocked him down with his shield. Thanos used his stones. Bruce was trapped in the rocks, Nat under roots, Bucky had been sunk into the sand, Falcon had been thrown away from the fight and his wings broken. Steve grunted and grabbed Thanos' hand to prevent him from snapping and right as T'Challa jumped, Ashlyn grabbed one of the stones from the gauntlet and pulled, "You can't do this.", she glared at Thanos, "Wanna bet?", she quickly moved and Thanos' wrist, that was without the gauntlet had been broken. She went back to the gauntlet and Thanos grunted as he used the reality stone and her powers went away. She glared as she lost her strength and fire, "I'll still beat you.", and he threw her. She smacked a tree and landed by Bucky, "Ash? Ashlyn? Doll? You gotta wake up.", she grunted as she stood up and her eyes glowed red, "Hey, bitch.", Thanos looked at her and she jumped up and punched him, knocking some teeth out. "To get rid of my powers, you'd have to kill me.", and she flared up again. Thanos threw her and Steve back and went to snap but his fingers were grabbed with a red fire like mist and he couldn't. "My Will is greater that your strength.", he growled at her and she smirked as Thor flew in and stabbed Thanos in the heart. She sighed and let her hold go as she rested for just a moment, "You should've gone for the head.", and Thanos snapped, well, he tried too anyways. Ashlyn was holding his fingers apart with her hand as she used her powers to pull the mind stone away from the gauntlet. Thanos' eyes were wide, because she was doing it.", he head butted her and she fell and he quickly snapped with wide eyes. The group was surrounded by a weird rainbow and Ashlyn stood up, "You monster!", he glared, "You're the monster.", Steve looked at the red-head who was very mad, "What just happened? What did he do?", and Thanos was gone in a portal as Ashlyn's eyes widened. "He did exactly what he said he was going to do.", she paused as she felt something wrong, "Ash? Steve?", she spun, "Bucky!", and she ran, but he was gone. Her eyes widened and she started crying. "No. No. No. No.", she held the gun and sobbed as Steve walked over. Ashlyn looked up, "Go find Sam.", and Steve ran off. She sat down by where Bucky was and Natasha looked at her. "Ash?", the red head jumped up and grabbed Natasha, "You better not leave me, Nat. You can't leave me.", her eyes widened, "Wanda!", and she ran through the forest and dropped as Wanda turned to dust by the body of a white Vision. She clenched her chest and cried out, the ones left running over as she cried and she stood up, "We failed. Oh my god. We failed. How are we going to fix this? We gotta fix this. We have to fix this. Where did he go? We have to, we have to find him and we have to get everyone back. We have to.", they all watched as Ashlyn Barton-Walsh broke down and her eyes widened, "The Twins. The twins. Oh the twins. Wait. Were is Pietro?", Rhodes spoke, "With Tony, where ever that is.", she fell to the ground and sat there, Rocket sitting beside and he cried to. She softly smiled and gently held him to her, "We're gonna fix this. I promise.", and her eyes hardened, "I will fix this.", she stopped and her eyes fell, "Phone! I need a! Phone! Give me, Steve.", she scrambled over to him and she called Clint's number but he didn't answer. She tried again and he didn't answer. She dialed the house phone and no one answered. She called Fury, with no answer. Hill didn't answer either. He called Lisa and Laura but they didn't answer. She gasped as she fell back down and everyone watched as she turned from an avenger to a mourning mother. "The kids. The kids. Oh. No. No. No.", she jumped up and ran. Natasha following, "Ash!", the red head turned, "You won't find them at the Barton Farm. They aren't there. Clint took Ross' deal. He went to Laura's house.", Ashlyn paused, "Like, Laura before me?", her shoulders fell and Nat held tears in her eyes, "Yes. Clint ran to Laura's.", Ashlyn blinked and her face went blank before her eyes glowed red and she closed them. She opened them again and they weren't the hazel everyone loved. They were brown and Natasha frowned, "Ash.", and she turned, "I'm going to fix this. I'm going to get my kids back. I'm going to get Bucky back. I'm getting everyone back. Even if I die doing so.", and she flew away. Steve and the others ran over, "Where'd she go?", Natasha looked at Steve and she cried, "Ash isn't in charge anymore.", Thor frowned, "What does that mean?", Natasha looked at the group they had left. Steve, Bruce, Rocket, Thor, Rhodes, herself, and Okoye. "Ashlyn is the Phoenix, she's in control of it. Has been for years. But we found out that there's another side to the Phoenix, one that she can't control and comes out when her emotions are too much for her to handle. Barton, Fury, Coulson, and I called it the Dark Phoenix, but Ashlyn hated it because that's what they called the former X-Men member in the year 2000s. So, we named her Darach. A dark Druid. Ashlyn isn't in control of the Phoenix Fire, the Darach is. And we have to get Ash back or a lot of people are going to die.", Steve clenched his jaw and nodded as Thor frowned, "How do we get Lady Ashlyn back?", Natasha glanced at the God and Rocket frowned, "What's that look for, Blondie?", Nat glanced down, "There was only one person capable of handling the Darach. It was Clint. Now he's part of the reason the Darach is in control. Bucky probably could have handled it and gotten it to give Ash back, but he's gone. Our hope, lies with Steve. You're her best friend, even above me. She came to you for things that she didn't talk to anyone else about.", he nodded and looked at Natasha, "Where would she be?", Nat sighed, "Her goal is to get everyone back and fix what Thanos done. The best place to do that is at the New Avengers building in New York. She'll be there. We have to follow her.", Okoye frowned, "My duty is with Wakanda. Whoever is left.", and Natasha nodded, "And that's alright. But can we borrow a jet.", the woman nodded, "Of course. Bring back the Wakandan Warrior and take down Thanos and save the world. You guys won't succeed without her.", and Nat sighed, "I know.", and the group walked back to the palace and they explained what happened and why people turned to dust. Then they left and went to New York.

Ashlyn was sitting at a table and she had the galaxy pulled up, her eyes wide and her jaw clenched. She heard the jet and felt everyone enter the building and she spoke, her voice darker than usual, "If you've come to get her back, it's not happening.", Steve stepped forward, "It's going to have to. We need her to help save the world and bring everyone back.", she looked at Steve with dark brown eyes, nearly black eyes, "She surrendered to me because she knew she couldn't do this. Not on her own.", Rocket stepped forward and Ashlyn felt herself change a little, she's not the only one who lost something. She clenched her jaw and shook her head, "But she ain't on her own.", Thor stepped forward too, "She won't be, as long as these lungs still draw breath.", Ashlyn started to gain back control as Rhodes and Nat stepped forward, "We're here family. She didn't lose everyone.", she turned as Bruce stepped forward, "And we will get everyone back, but in order to that; we need Asher back.", and she broke. Her eyes changed back to hazel and they filled with tears, "I really hate that name.", and the group smiled as they all hugged and cried with each other. Ashlyn stepped back and she gently picked up Rocket and set him on her shoulder, "You're family too, Rocket. And I promise, if it takes my last breath, we will be whole again.", and they all nodded. They were going to fix this. Whatever it takes.

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