Drunk and depressed

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David POV
I ring the doorbell and I'm feeling about 100 different emotions at one time. I'm happy, sad, anxious , mad ,excited. I don't know what to feel or what I should feel. I'm also a little nauseous I think from vaping a lot without eating anything. Kaitlin being here has made this a lot easier and has been someone I can talk to without them worrying about me. Don't get me wrong Kaitlin worries but it's not like Zane or heath or Scotty I also don't have to worry about her going and telling Liza. Me and Kaitlin are talking and I'm about to take a hit of my vape pen when the door swings open revealing Zane.
" Hey baby where have you been I missed you". Zane said in typical Zane fashion being drunk
" I've been out with a friend and lost track of time I can see you got in the liquor cabinet earlier than usual" I said laughing while Kaitlin looked a little nervous
"This is my friend Zane, Kaitlin. And Kaitlin this is my friend, Zane"
" oooooooo, have y'all been dating  cause if you haven't David's stupider than we thought"
" no, Zane , we're just friends I ran into her when I stopped at a gas station heath won't mind that I brought her right. And second of all stupider isn't a word" David said causing them all to laugh
" baby has heath every cared when people came to his party. Hell no, he invites random people from the street" he said in a normal joking fashion like he usually does making everyone laughing
" ok enough chit chat come on guys let's go inside". Zane said while he grabbed me and Kaitlin's arms leading us inside to the the living room with the all the people
" so how long have you two known each other" Zane asked me and Kaitlin
" four years I was the tenant that lived above him" Kaitlin said
" baby you never told me y'all had a history"
" Zane you met her 20 seconds ago and we haven't even been here 5 minutes when would I have had time to tell you" David said in a sassy way while laughing
"True" Zane said
No one POV
Just as they were laughing David looked over and saw Liza with Shay. He completely forgot about them when he first got there, he was having fun with Zane and Kaitlin and forgot . He thought " maybe I can just avoid them, nah that won't work" Liza seemed pretty determined for them to meet and he doesn't want to let her down. He has never wanted to let her down, and when she broke up with him what broke his heart the most was him thinking he let her down. He sees Liza laugh with shays arms around her waist and it breaks his heart to see her with someone else. All the times he has imagined it in his head it has never hurt this bad. Zane and Kaitlin look at David and notice his face drop dramatically .
"Hey David are you ok" they both asked
" yah I'm fine I'm just going to grab a beer" he said coldly walking off
"When did David start drinking" Zane asked
" you know more than me, I only started talking to him 30 min ago" Kaitlin said while David started walking off to the backyard where the kegs and coolers were.
When David was closing the cooler with the dripping beer in his hand. Heath decided to talk to him about what happened earlier.
" you know that won't help, right" Heath said
" when have you been one to talk" David said while taking a swig of his beer
" Dave, it's not going to help drinking, smoking, or doing drugs I found that out the hard way. Dude it's so so so much easier to just deal with your problems and move on"
" easier said than done huh."
" Dave I don't want to fight I just want to tell you, you shouldn't throw your life away because of it"
" I'm sorry it's just she told me she was moving in with the guy and....."
" wait she's moving in the with the guy"
" yah and she wants me to meet him"
" never mind drink as much as you want" heath said laughing
" no I'm not going to become I alcoholic like you and Zane" David said laughing " I just need something to calm me down before I talk to them "
"Dude I completely understand I would already be passed out by know if it was me." They both laughed while David drank his beer and then grabbed another and another and another . He could already tell he was getting drunk after the first beer but he kept drinking he was a huge lightweight and he hadn't eaten anything all day which didn't help any.
"DAVID" Kristen yelled
"What I'm right here" David said laughing more than Usual
" Liza wants to introduce you to shay come on in"
" okkkkkk..... fine whatever the princess wants" he said joking and being a little hurt
" David are you drunk" Kristen asked being confused and shock
" yah so" he said flinging his arms in the air
" no it's fine I'm just kinda shocked" she said looking at him
" ok ok let me just get this over with where are they" he said giggling
" Dave maybe you should wait till later it might not look good you meeting him drunk"
" come on he probably won't even notice never-mind I see them"
" hey Liza" he yelled getting closer to them not really caring anymore
" David " Liza asked questionably noticing he looked a little off
" hey you must be shay I'm the ex" David said shaking shays hand with the beer in the other
" yah nice to meet you Liza has talked a lot about you" he said questionably realizing he has drunk
" well that's kind of weird since she my ex" David said laughing and being really sarcastic.
" David how much have you had to drink" Liza said sternly looking at him straight in the eyes
" I don't know , mom , why do you care"
" David come on let's go home I think you've had enough"
" you can't tell me what to do you lost that privilege months ago when you broke up with me" David said loudly enough for Zane and heath to go over there
" hey David buddy how about we get you some water or coffee and you can go lay down for a little while" heath said
" yah I think that would be for the best "
" I don't care what you think, Liza" David said like a 4 year old.
" hey Liza and shay I'm glad you could come but I think it might be for the best if you could leave before you caused a scene or one of you say something you will regret" heath said
" yah I think that will be the best idea" Liza said while shay waved bye to everyone and they left. As soon as they left David tried getting another beer or shot of something but heath and Zane grabbed him and laid him down in one of the back rooms to go asleep. As he laid there slowly passing out he remembered the hurt in Liza's eyes and how the one thing he never wanted to do he did. He let her down ,she was disappointed in him. He hated himself for this and thought he just wouldn't care about anything or anyone anymore so he wouldn't have to worry about anyone being disappointed in him and he could just relax,focus and have fun.

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