David 2.0

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David POV
After you know what me and Kelsey just sat in bed without our clothes on and talked it was actually really nice before my phone rang and I picked it up.
"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" I heard jack scream on the other end while I pulled the phone away from my ear and Kelsey looked at me.
"Shit. Jack I completely forgot about are meeting" David said sitting up putting on his boxers and sitting at the end of the bed while Kelsey put on his shirt and mouthed that she was going to leave while pointing at door while David said ok thx
"What David"
"Oh nothing I wasn't talking to you"
"Are you with a girl"
"What why would you ask that"
"Because someone else is obviously in the room with you and they were more important than our meeting because they made you forget it so the only thing I can come up with is your with a girl because I don't think Jason would make you forget about our meeting"
"Can we just have our meeting tomorrow"
"Yah sure but that doesn't answer my question while you weren't at the meeting"
"Jack it's not that big of a deal just forgotten it , ok. I need to go bye"
"Bye David, Don't think I'm going to forget this"
"Ok" and then I hung out and walked out of her room down the hallway to the living room where she was sitting on the couch with my shirt on.
"Hey sorry about that"
"No problem can I ask what it was about" Kelsey said while patting to the spot beside her David walking over and sitting next to her.
"My manager was pissed because I forget about our meeting today"
"Sorry, that's probably partially my fault is there anyway I could do to make it up to you" she said standing up and putting her arms around his neck while sitting on his lap
"There is one way"he said laughing while putting his arms around her waist and they started making out.
"Let's take this to my room we have an hour before we meet the gang at the club"
"Yes please" he said smiling before picking her up and walking to her bedroom
"DAVID" she screamed while laughing and putting her head in between his neck and chin on his shoulder
They got to her bed and started making out again until they heard a the doorbell.
"Who the heck is that"
"I don't know"
"I'll go get it" Kelsey said standing up
"Wait kels your in my shirt and don't have pants on"
"Who cares we live in La"
"True" David said laughing while leaning back for awhile before hearing the door hit the wall and people talking and footsteps so he opened the door and walked to the living room
"Kels who was at the do..." David
David's mouth dropped when he he heard his name come out of Heath Zane's stassie and Mariah's mouths. Then he looked at Kelsey who was biting her nails and laughing when he looked down and he only had boxers on.
"Well,what are you guys doing here "he said laughing and sitting next to Kelsey while putting her arm around her
"Uhhh... to meet up and have a few beers before the party I would ask what your doing here but I think that's pretty obvious" heath said
"Umm I think I'm going to go change ,David,why don't you join me" Kelsey said red faced getting up from the couch
"Sure we will back in min" David said following behind Kelsey and closed the door when they got in the room and both fell on the bed laughing
"Shhhh they might hear us"Kelsey said while putting her hand over his shoulder
"Who cares they already saw us basically naked"David said laughing pulling her into his chest and started making out with her again
Heaths POV
"What is with him"I whispered to the gang as I heard David shut the door behind him
" all I know is we ran into him at Starbucks this morning and he Just didn't seem normal I guess" stassie said
"I mean normal for David that is he said he had a hangover and when Kelsey flirted with him like normal he took her up on the offer which he has turned down for months" she finished saying
"Yah I mean guys I don't think it's anything to worry about so David's having a little bit of fun and drinking some more. I mean everyone in this room has done that" Zane said
" Sorry guys I have to agree with Zane on this one. I mean David loved Liza he still loves Liza and I know she isn't meaning too but she's kinda rubbing in his face that she has a new boyfriend. So let's just let him have a couple of beers and whatever" Mariah said
"Guys I don't know if that's the best idea. I mean I've only known him a couple of months but in those couple of months I haven't known David to drink or smoke and hook up with people. I mean sure let him have a beer and go on dates but getting drunk and smoking and stuff it's not him and something is seriously wrong" stassie says
"Well I don't know who to agree with now I mean a part of me wants to agree with Zane and just let him have fun like we do but another part of me wants to agree with stassie and say this just isn't him." Mariah says right before David walks out holding hands with Kelsey while she was dressed in a tight dress that showed everything and David was just in a black shirt and black jeans from yesterday.
"Hey what were you guys talking about" David says
"Nothing" all four of them says
"Which means us" Kelsey says looking at them
"Yeah well whatever it was Who cares I'm going to my house to change and then meeting you guys at the club. Kels wanna come with me" David says
"Yah sure. Bye guys make sure to lock up the apartment before you leave "
"Bye"David says while him and Kelsey leave and shut the door
" he's like a David 2.0 he isn't even himself anymore" heath says

I hope you like this chapter it took forever to write and like always if you have any suggestions please don't be scared
to comment them in the section below. I want to start publishing stories more
often and sorry for taking a month to update.

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