The fight

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David's POV
Me and Kelsey went to my house and I just changed into some jeans and black T-shirt like usual before we got in the car to go to the club.
"Hey can we stop somewhere and get something to eat like a gas station or something"Kelsey said
"What are you going to get at a gas station" David asked very confused
"Just some chips ! Why so judgy" Kelsey said looking at him
"I was just asking ,what the hell. It just doesn't look like you eat chips and I just didn't expect it since your like a model" David said
"Why are we fighting like a married couple we have only slept together once." Kelsey said laughing and David laughing with her.
"Ok I'll stop at a gas station but make it fast Everyone's waiting at the bar"he said turning into a gas station
"Thanks I just have to have chips after I have sex"Kelsey said unbuckling her seat belt and started to reach for the window
"Wait wait wait what "David said looking at her confused
"You don't have something you have to do after you have sex" Kelsey said looking at him in shock
"Noooo"he said smiling
"That's impossible everyone has something they do " she said while they were walking into the gas station
"I mean I've only slept with 5 people" David said kinda quietly while walking in and going to the chip aisle
"What!!! You've only sle....."Kelsey said smiling while David put his hand over her mouth
"Shut up I don't want the whole world to know" David said while laughing
"Sorry I just figured you being this big time celebrity you would have slept with more people" Kelsey said while looking at the chips
" as soon as I moved to California and started vlogging I was dating Liza and and after we broke up you know"David said looking kinda down and off
"Ohh sorry if I brought anything up" she said grabbing the chips and walking to the register
"No and I guess I might have one thing I do You know" David said smiling while waiting for her to pay for the chips
"David you can just say sex and what is it" Kelsey said while the cashier both looked at them and started blushing so David blushed and smiled while grabbing the chips and saying thank you before grabbing Kelsey's hand and leaving the gas station
"What was that about" Kelsey asked
"You can't just say stuff like in front of People ,Kelsey" David said when they got in the car and pulled out of the gas station
"Why not and don't change the topic what the one thing do when you know" Kelsey said mocking him
" ha ha" David said sarcastically "and the one thing I like to do is probably just cuddle and don't laugh at me" David said pointing his finger at her and laughing
"No I actually find it really sweet most of time the guys I sleep with snort coke or have a beer or something they usually don't care about me where they want to actually spend some time with me" Kelsey said sounding serious for once and not joking
"You deserve more than that Kelsey" David said parking the Tesla and looking at her
"Thank you how about we get out of this car and go inside" Kelsey said
"Ok but I was wondering if I have something to drink if you could drive us back to my place" David said while walking around the building to the front door of the club
"Yah of course as long as I get to stay tonight"
"Of course what else would I do make you call an Uber" David said opening the door
David and Kelsey walked to the table laughing about jokes they were both making until they got to the table and saw Liza and shay there with the rest of gang. David's face dropped he didn't expect them to be there he didn't mental prepare for it. His anxiety skyrocketed and he didn't know what to do he just froze until Liza looked up and saw them and Kelsey just looked up and saw them
"Hey guys sorry were late we had to stop somewhere first"David said really quick sliding into the booth and laying his keys on the table while holding Kelsey hand and her sliding into the booth
"Yah that's my fault I made him stop for some chips"
"You eat chips" Zane said looking at Kelsey
"Why does know one think I eat chips"Kelsey said while throwing her arms up and rolling her eyes while laughing
"David lets go outside and talk a minute"shay said while putting his phone in his pocket and looking at him
"Yah sure I kinda figured this was going to happen"David said while grabbing his stuff and sliding out after Kelsey got up
"I'm coming to" Liza said said getting out of the booth
"No, babe ,just stay here"shay said putting his hand out to her.
It hurt David to here someone else call her babe.
"No I want to say some stuff too and to keep a watch on y'all from beating the crap from each other" Liza said pretty sternly
"Come on let's go" shay said walking to the door and Liza behind him. When they far enough ahead of them David turned to table
"If I'm not back in 10 min check up on me. Wish me luck"David said before walking back to catch up with them
"You'll need it"Zane said taking a drink of his beer. We walked outside and just stood there a couple of minutes before I said something.
" look I'm sorry for happened I was drunk and ....."
"No, shut up and let me speak for a minute. I get it you and Liza loved each other and obviously you still love her more than a friend but she doesn't. Do you get that?" Shay said
"Yeah" David said feeling the anger rise in him While Liza just looked at her feet
"Ok good your not a complete idiot. Now that that's out of the way, she still loves you as a friend and wants to take care of you so you blowing her off and getting mad at her when she is trying to help your sorry ass is not cool"Shay said shaking his head
" I know I'm sorry Liza was just trying to help me like the good person she is and I went off I'm truly sorry" David said looking at Liza
"That's the David I know" Liza said looking back at David And smiling while Kelsey walked out the front door to David
"Everything going ok out here" Kelsey Said while David put his arm around her
"Yeah i apologized and it's going to be better now "david said while Shay rolled his eyes and grunted
"What's your problem" David said furrowing his eyebrows when Liza told him to stop
"My problem is you say you'll do better and shit and than you rub the little skank you brought right into lizas face" Shay said while Kelsey face was shocked and David and Liza mad
"First of all Liza has a boyfriend so why when I go on a date and like a girl she's a skank and second of she doesn't love me anymore so why does it matter" David said
"I'm an actual boyfriend that she loves not someone just to rub in her exes face. And anyone that dresses like that is a skank"
"Come on David lets go"Kelsey said grabbing his
"Yeah let's go before I punch the living shut out of this dude" David saying which was very out of character of him before walking into the bar
And to their table
"So how did it go" Zane asked
"Good until he called me a skank Kelsey said grabbing her purse. While everyone at the table looked pissed or shocked
"Yeah we're going to go on ahead and go I think Liza and that douche bag left" David Putting his arm around Kelsey and walking to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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