Moving on

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David's POV
What the hell !?! We broke up over a year ago and we don't even talk anymore why does she think she can just come in my life and tell me what to do and what not to do. I come to a red light and then pull out my vape pen and I'm about to smoke it before I think of what she said and how I'm slowing killing myself and how it's bad for me when I say screw it. Why listen to her, I'm 22 years old and can make my own damn decisions. Plus she knows nothing about me or what I've been going through recently so how can she tell me to stop and boss me around. My phone rings and I answer it
" hello, It's David"
"I've called to remind you you have a meeting with your manager jack in hour"
"Oh, shit I totally forgot"
"Mr.Dobrik would you like to reschedule or postpone the meeting"
"No, it's fine I'll be there in hour"
"Ok mr.Dobrik we will see you in a hour"
Uhhhh I totally forgot about my meeting. I have a meeting with my manager about once a week to talk about Merch sales and ideas for my videos to raise my income. He always tells me the same thing and I never listen because it's not what I started YouTube for and I'm going to do what I want to do not what my manager tells me to do. I should of told her to reschedule the meeting because I'm still hungover and I really don't feel like hearing the same thing over again. I see Starbucks and decide to stop to get more coffee to help with my hangover
No ones POV
David parks his car and walks into Starbucks when he is waiting in line to get his drink he hears someone come up behind him yelling his name and turns around.
"DAVID" Kelsey and stassie say excitingly
"Hey what are you guys doing"David said grimacing because of his headache
"What does it look like we're doing? Getting Starbucks" stassie says sarcastically
"David are you ok you seem kinda out of it" Kelsey says putting her hand on his shoulder
"Yah I'm just a little hungover and the group is mad at me"
"Wait.... thee David Dobrik is hungover which means you got DRUNK" Kelsey said screaming the last part and laughing
"Yah I did and since you know that know you can lower your voice a little bit maybe" he said clinching his eyes and putting his fingers around his forehead
"Ok, Ok, sorry we were just picking on you. Hey do.....
"David. Nitro cold brew no creamer"
"Oh that's me I'll be back in a minute"
David went and got his drink and when he was walking back to the girls he noticed they were whispering and laughing
"Hey Kelsey so what we're going to ask me" David said laughing and looking confused since it was obvious they were talking about him
"I was wondering if you would want to come back to my house for a little bit than go to a party later tonight"
"Kellz come on you have asked him this question about a million times what makes you think he will say yes" stassie says
"Yah sure I'll meet you at your apartment" David said casually. He's turned her offer down for months and has rejected her in many occasions but it's different know he wants to move on and Kelsey would be perfect since he already knows her.
"Seriously why now " Kelsey says shocked while stassie mouth is open
"Honestly I'm ready to move on and get over Liza"
"So I'm your rebound" she said looking at him and his face getting really red
" um... I..... I mean....."
"David don't sweat it its fine just meet me at my apartment in 20 min" she said laughing
"Ok few I thought you were going to chop my head off or something" David said laughing looking relieved
"Well I'm just going to go home and I guess I'll see you guys later" stassie said to both of them leaving
"Bye stas"
They said while she left
"Are you sure your ok with this David"
"Yah I'm good I didn't know about you and how you felt about it"
"I'm used to it by now. Well, I'll see you at my place in about 10" she said leaving with him following behind her and getting in his car.

He knew this
was wrong and he shouldn't be doing this. He felt bad he was using Kelsey and he knew this wasn't the way to get back at Liza or fix anything. He still loved Liza and wanted to get back together with her and sleeping with someone else wasn't the way for them to get back together but he needed to move on so he went to Kelsey's apartment and I bet you can guess what happens

I just published the first chapter of a new story called lost love please read and tell your friends about this story and lost love.
Sorry these chapter took so long but I'm probably going to publish  less chapter because I'm running out of ideas and more interested in my new story. Once I lose interest with something it's hard for me to be able to do that thing and right now I have lost interest with this story so it's hard for me to write anything but if you have any ideas don't feel scared to comment your suggestions. I'm more focused on my other story right now but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing this story I'm just going to take longer to publish a story

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