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" brae can you take Jordan to Reese's house they are gonna have a play date" my mom said " yea sure" I answered emotionless

I got up and went to jordans room and she was getting her all her dolls in a bag then she turned around

"Are you almost done?" I asked "yea hold on"

"I'll be in the car"

I walked to the car and a few minutes later I saw jordan coming out she opened the door and got in the back seat

I started the car and started driving

"K we are here" I said

No response

I turned around and saw Jordan sleeping " Jordan wake up we are here" I said

" what" she asked tiredly

"We're at Reece's house c'mon" I answered she got out of the car and I knocked on the door and a lady that looked like Reece opened the door "hi Jordan" the lady said very enthusiastically
Shortly after she said that I herd footsteps running down the stairs

"JORDAN..HI BRAELYNN" Reece said very happy "hi Reece" I said ask I hugged her

"Braelynn we just made cookies would you like to come in for a bit" the lady asked

"Yea sure"

As we were walking to the kitchen she said "oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm myta" she says

" and ur braelynn" she asked still unsure of my name


We got to the kitchen and she handed me a cookie, we were talking about random stuff then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs but not form just one person, from two

I heard Zach's voice but I kept taking to myta

Suddenly I got interrupted

"Mom"zach started " this is my girlfriend Marcy" he says

Marcy give my a dirty look

" hi Marcy" myta said sweetly but you could hear a bit of annoyance in her voice

"We are gonna go to eat" zach said

"Ok"she answered

"I think I'm gonna go to" I said to myta

"ok sweetheart, what time will you be picking up Jordan" she asked

"At 8"

"Ok" she said, as we hugged

"Bye Jordan!!" I yelled " bye Reece!!" I yelled again

"Bye!!" I heard from both

I left and went back to my house

A little longer than the last
I'll try and post a longer one😂

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