t w e l v e

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When I woke up the next morning I called Olivia to see if she wanted to go to the mall with me..she said yes so I started getting ready

30 mins later

I got in my car to go pick up live and once I did that we drove to the mall

When we got there we went straight to urban outfitters and we saw an hat the said 'daddy' on it so I put it on and we were laughing and taking pictures until I saw the same group of boys I saw with Zach when we went to get coffee

They saw me and said something but I couldn't hear it then they started walking towards me

"Hey aren't you braelynn" the blond one said

"I am" I said

"Zach talks about you a lot" the Curlyhead said, once he said that Zach hits him in the chest really hard

"Phhht I thought Zach had a girlfriend" I responded

Right as I said that I heard the most annoying voice ever

"He does" Marcy said in a bitchy tone

"Why you being such I bitch, I did nothing to you" I snapped all of a sudden

"You stood up my zachy poo" she said trying to be tuff
"It's not like I didn't talk to him ever again, I tried again" I stated

"Yea well..." she said trying to think of something to say back

"yeA WeLl..," I started, "exactly,bye" I said as I left making sure to hit her shoulder right after I did that she turned a fought and pulled my hair

I had already had enough of her so I turned around and slapped her supperrr hard right after I did that he cheek immediately turned a bright red

All the boys were in shock and I just walked away..well tried... mArCy, once again pulled my hair

"Is that all you can do little bitch" I said, Idk why I'm acting like this...I never act like this

After I said that she looked down

"Huh!?" I sorta yelled

"Braelynn stop" zach said

"Shut up zach"

"Answer me!" I yelled a little louder

" brae..c'mon let's go" liv said "no liv hold on...this bitch wants to pull my hair, be a bitch when I did nothing to her..then she'll get what she deserves"

'Jesus this is not me at all, idk what's wrong with me lately'  I said in my mind

She looks up crying

"Hey,hey don't cry it's ok" zach said,then he looks at me "why tf did you slap my girlfriend" he asked

"Cuz she-" I said cutting my self off "nvm" I said walking away

I drop off liv and got home

I get on my phone and watch Netflix soon after that I fall asleep


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