n i n e

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I got home texted Olivia..

Dude I dropped off Jordan at Reece's
House and Zach came down and he had his
Girlfriend I was like wtf💀

What da hell
He's a playerrrr


I laughed and put my phone down

I didn't think much off him having a girlfriend but I was a little mad because I can already tell she was a bitch

I took a little nap and when I woke up it was a little over 8, I opened my phone and I had a ton of missed calls from my mom, then I remembered that I had to pick up Jordan

I put on a random hoodie and drove to the house

When I get there I knock on the door, I hear a really high pitched voice, kinda annoying as I was thinking the door opened and I looked up

"What do you want" she asked disgusted

"Chill I'm here to get my sister" I said in a rude way

"Hey babe who was is" I heard Zach's voice ask, his voice getting louder as he came toward the door. Once he saw me he rolled his eyes


"Damn..ok" I said quietly "can I get my sister" I asked

"I think they are out eating" zach said, also in a disgusted tone

"Wtf is y'alls problem" I said, regretting it right after it came out of my mouth "our problem," MArCY started, " you're the one who stood Zach up"

"Yea but.." I said, getting interrupted by MarCy

"But what" she said trying to act all tuff

"Well I would tell you if your ass won't keep interrupting me"I said, witch made her shut up

"I had to go to my friends birthday" I said

"Oh so ur friends are more important than my baby zach" she said, witch made me cringe

"Exactly" I said

"Bitch"MaRcy said, you could tell she regretted it

I tried to stay calm

"That "date" meant nothing to me it was just a bet we made" I said coldly


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