n i n e t e e n

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"Ahh,what!?" He said

"Why are you my dads bed" I asked kinda laughing

"Because the guest bed got very uncomfortable" he responded.

And we both chuckled. Then he got a phone call

"ZACHARY DEAN HERRON WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" His mom yelled, which was pretty loud considering the fact we could hear her and it wasn't on speaker.

"I'm at braelynns house" he said calmly. I couldn't hear the rest but he groaned. "Ok I'll be there in 10 minutes" then he hung up.



"ZACH!!" I heard braelynn yell, I got so scared honestly. "Ahh, what!?"

"Why are you my dads bed" she asked kinda laughing

I didn't even know it was her dads bed I just went to the next room because the other bed was really hard.

"Because the guest bed got really uncomfortable" I responded and we both chuckled

Then my mom called me very angry and told me that marcy wanted to see me.

"I gotta go home" I told them

"Ok bye.."they said all at once. I walked out and got in my car. I drove home and saw marcy sitting at the front porch.

As I got out of the car and she jumped up "ZACHYY!!" She said in her annoying voice

"What did you want?" I asked trying not to sound annoyed "I wanted to hang out with you, get you away from braelynn, ya know"

"Mhmm" I hummed rolling my eyes.

We went inside and I sat on the couch, she sat right next to me, like right next to me. I was super uncomfortable.

My mom came downstairs. "Can you please leave" she said to marcy in a somewhat nice tone.

"What?" Marcy asked surprised

"Leave my house please, leave my son alone" she said getting a little aggravated. I know she's never liked marcy but she's tried her best to be nice.

"I can do whatever I want" Marcy said trying to be sassy, how have I never realized how annoying she is.

"Marcy.." I started "Yes zachy?" She asked " leave"

"Ughh" she said getting up, "I thought you loved me, you love her now right" she referring to braelynn.

"No. Just get out"

"Fine" she said stomping her foot, honestly she's so cringy it's unreal. Now I see why my mom doesn't like her....



Me and my dad were talking in the living room after Zach had left. I heard the door open and I looked over my shoulder. It's was my mom.

"What are you doing here. I told you not to come back" my dad said "I came to get Jordan"

"Umm..no" I said

"You can barley even take care of yourself, look at you, you are not talking Jordan" my dad said, which was true she used to do a lit of drugs and stay out late. My dad always had to take care of her.

She ran upstairs to get Jordan. I ran after her, of course. Blocked her form getting into her room. Jordan opened her door and said "mommyyyy!!!" And ran into her arms

"Hey Jordan!" She said looking at me with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and go downstairs to block the door, and stop her from leaving.

"Mommy where are we going?" Jordan asked, while she was still in my moms arms.

"We are going to your new house" she said, looking at my dad, and he just had a straight face. I know it going to be hard for him to get over her.

"Braelynn can you please move out of the way so I can take her to my car" she asked nicely, well tried. I didn't move though, I wasn't going to let her take Jordan.

"Mmm..no" I said staying in the same spot.

"C'mon, Jordan wants to see her new house" my mom started and looked at Jordan, "right Jordan?"

"No!" She said squirming and I can see her grip get tighter on her, Jordan started crying and screaming.

"LET GO OF HER!" My dad yelled, damn I haven't heard him yell like that in forever....

Sorry this was super short, BUT thank you sm for 600 reads!!

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