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Ron's POV

It was another wretched, boring day at the burrow, and Fred and George were making it worse by playing tricks on us. I sighed as I got up and walked over to mum, who was sitting next to the fireplace crocheting with her wand and watching the glowing embers. "What's wrong, Ron?" She asked with a concerned look upon her once soft features that had disappeared once He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power again.

"I'm worried about Harry, mum, shouldn't we go and get him? He hasn't sent a letter in days," I said, looking her in the eyes.

"I know, Ron, we are all worried, Hermione will be coming tonight and we'll get him tomorrow morning." She said as she waved her wand again, the crochet sticks and yarn set themselves upon the rug.

"Ok, mum, do you want some help with dinner?" I asked as she looked over to the clock in worry, dads been at work since five this morning and he hadn't arrived home when he was supposed to.

"Thank you, Ron, I can use some help, you can cut up the carrots and set the table," she said with a soft smile. I smiled and followed her to the kitchen where I began cutting the carrots in small slices. Once the carrots were all cut up and placed in the pot I waited for mum to finish with the soup before placing the table, Fred and George ran downstairs as mum gave the pot one last stir with her wand, but it was a fake wand and this set her off.

"Fred, George!" She yelled, fire in her eyes as she glared at the two frozen boys in the doorway. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop leaving these wands everywhere?!"

"Sorry, mum, we just thought you'd have a good laugh with it," they said in unison which softened her features a bit, but not much.

"I'm sorry boys, there's too much worry for me to have a laugh," she said softly, turning back to the pot.

"So, Ronniekins, your girlfriends coming over tonight, don't get into too much trouble," Fred said with a wink, I rolled my eyes and walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Ginny, Percy, Charlie, Bill! Dinners ready!" I yelled, there was the clattering of footsteps and closing doors as everyone stampeded down the stairs. We all sat around the table as mum looked back at the clock, her face lit up as she saw that dads hand was pointed toward traveling. I sighed as we ate our soup and she ran to the door to check that he was ok, after we all ate mum made us go to bed so that we could save Harry from the Dursley's.


Draco's POV

I sighed as I opened my eyes and looked around at my miserable home. Father was forcing me into becoming a Death Eater, and Mother tried her hardest to stop him, but to no avail she always failed. "Master Draco is told to meet the Dark Lord in the dining area." A house-elf said as she popped into my room, I sighed and pulled on my most presentable tux and walked downstairs. Here we go, I thought to myself as I pulled the dining room doors open.

"Ah, here he is, the young heir to the Malfoy name," Voldemort said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Sit, Draco, sit."

"What do you want me to do?" I asked softly as I sat next to him, as I looked over to Mother I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Show me your left forearm," he said simply, lifting his wand off the table. It resembled a human bone. I slowly pulled up my left sleeve and watched as he pressed the tip of his wand into my forearm, he muttered an incantation that was hardly audible and I felt a searing pain spread through my arm. All I really remember is Mother giving an audible wince and making a movement to stop him, but she was held back as I passed out.

A/N Yes I know it's short but this is only the beginning. I used the wrong word so I edited it.

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