Not an update

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Hey guys, I'm sorry the updates are taking so long. There's just been a lot happening, I haven't seen my girlfriend for a month and it's been getting to me. When I realized its been a month I cried a lot, and I feel like I can't breathe without her and...I-I think I'm in love with her. I don't know how to tell for sure but I think I'm actually in love with this girl, the updates have been taking so long because I wanna see her hear her voice everything but I can't because we're both so busy. So I'm sorry the updates are taking so long.

Edit: I'm not talking about the love that fades after a few weeks or months. I'm talking about the love where you see ones flaws and still think they're perfect and don't interfere with them by saying 'you need to fix this' 'you need to fix that' I'm talking about the love that lasts. The one where you fight, get in disagreements, but you find ways to fix it I'm talking about that kind of love. The one that lasts.

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