Are you?~Hyunjin

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Y/n p.o.v
I woke up nauseous and dizzy. I didn't feel right and I started get a nasty feeling in my stomach. I rushed to the bathroom and started to throw up.

Hyunjin p.o.v
I wake up to the sound of someone throwing up. I check the side of the bed to see that y/n isn't there. I rush to the bathroom to see y/n throwing up. I quickly held her hair up and slowly rub circles on her back.

Y/n p.o.v
After I was done cleaning myself. I look towards Hyunjin who was standing in the doorway.


"Did you take the pill?" Hyunjin looked at me worried.

"I-I don't remember...I think I did?" I looked away from Hyunjin's gaze.

"Are you for real y/n? D-dont lie to me. Are you pregnant?" He took hold of your hands and looked into you eyes.

"I-I think I might be..."

Hyunjin p.o.v
My heart was racing. I could tell y/n was worried. I want this child but I don't want y/n to be scared.

"Y/n...I want this child. I want it more than anything. I want you to give me another life to love. Please..."

"I...I don't know if I'M ready. I don't feel prepared..." She looked away from me and started to cry.

"Y-y/ are ready. You have been. Ever since we got married, I knew that for the longest time. I knew that I wanted you to be the mother of my child. I will be there for you when ever you need me. I won't ever leave you."

Y/n looked into my eyes with a slight smile on her face.

" did I get so lucky to have you in my life."

I pulled y/n into a huge and she was crying onto my chest. She was so scared but I will be there for her, no matter the cost.

Y/n p.o.v
I am so thankful for having Hyunjin as my husband. He is going to be the best loving dad ever. I can't wait for my little child to come.

"I'm so excited to see you soon little one." Hyunjin said as he bent down and kissed my stomach.

"Me too Hyunjin, me too."

4 years later

Y/n p.o.v
It's been 4 years since Yeji has been born. She has grown up into such a wonderful child. She loves to sing just like her father.

"Momma!" Yeji called as she ran toward you.

"Yes, my princess?"

"Uncle Chan is here! He said that he wanted to take me to the park. But I need your per-permi-ssion, permission! Can I go mommy!! Please?"

You looked at at Yeji and said yes. She ran back towards Chan and left to the park.

"You know Hyunjin, I love you so much. Yeji loves to sing and dance just as much as you. She is also allergic to cats. It's so sad for her but she's happy still. I miss you so,so much. I wish you were here with us still."

You began crying and looked at Hyunjin's gravestone.

"I love and miss you Soo much. I think Yeji would love you too. Thank you for believing in me to have our child. Goodbye Hyunjin. I will see you later."


Sorry for the short imagine. It probably sucked ass but oh well. See y'all next time!!

609 words


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