Sweet Dreams~Chan

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Y/n pov
"You know it's not that hard to find someone else y/n!! Just leave, I don't love you anymore." Those were their last words to me. I have felt nothing but heartbreak and loneliness. I want to go back in time and wish I've never met them. I hate this..I hate life. Everyone is so happy with life and here I am, still sulking over a dumb break up. I know it's been a few months since it happened but I still can't let go. I wish I could just find a new happiness. But it will never happen.... These thoughts are the ones I will always deal with when I'm alone. I look at the time on my phone. 5:30 a.m, I should get up. It's useless laying here all the damn time over this. I get up and get ready for work like the usual. Put on the outfit I planned last night and leave the apartment.

While walking to work, I decide to get some coffee to make myself more wake since I didn't get any sleep last night. While waiting in line, a group of boys enter the cafe. One of them was very attractive. He had beautiful eyes with a heart melting smile. He told the other boys to go sit in a booth while he went to get drinks. I nervously turn back and start to look at my phone, acting as if I was "busy". Finally, the worker called me next to order. I got the same drink as always since I come here often before work. After I ordered, I checked the time and noticed I still had an hour left till I needed to be at work. Since I'm literally a few minutes away, I guess I can stay here for a while and let time pass by.

As I was waiting for my drink, the boys were getting louder by the second. One would be either making fun of the others or someone else. It was very disturbing since it was early in the morning. The worker called my name and as I got up to get my drink, the handsome boy also got called. I got my drink and sat back down looking through Instagram. As I was sipping on my drink, some stood beside me and tapped on my shoulder. "Excuse me..." I look at them and saw the boy from before. "Yes?" I asked nervously. "I was wondering if I can have your number? If, you're comfortable with me asking." I smiled at him. He's so cute when he's nervous. "Sure. If you're comfortable with it" I said back making him blush. "Yeah of course I am. I asked you for it." He said rubbing the back of his neck. After we exchanged numbers, he thanked me and went back to his friends. I was probably smiling like an idiot but you know, I don't even care one bit.

I went to work and it was the boring same thing. Meetings, conference, shows in the auditorium, and other boring stuff. When work was finally over, I went back home and made myself some dinner and changed into my pajamas. While looking through my emails, I got a text from someone.

Random number

Um, hello?

Random number
It's me, the boy that was at the cafe this morning! I never got your name so I had to text you!

Oh yeah, same. My name is y/n. What's your name?

Random number
Wow, your name is very pretty!! My name is Chan.

Your name is nice! Btw, who were those other boys that were with you?

Oh! They are my team members. We are a kpop group named Stray Kids. We compose our own songs! We are under JYP entertainment and I'm the leader.

Wow, you must be very busy most of the time. How old are you?

I am busy alot but I'm making music for all of our fans and for ourselves. I'm 21 years old. Hbu?

That's so sweet of you to do for them. I'm 21 as well and my birthday just passed pretty much.

OMG!! You're the same age as me!! Happy late birthday btw!!

I want to ask you something, why did you ask for my number in the first place?

Oh um, I wanted to ask you on a date...but I thought about and I chickened out 😂

Well I mean, I would like to go on a date with you. But I guess not anymore 😂

Well I mean if you really want to? We can go to the fair that's coming this Friday. I'm free that day as well.

Really? Are you sure? I don't want to disturb you and your team...would your manager be okay with it?

Of course I'm sure!! Don't worry about my team, they will be fine! Plus, the manager will understand that I'm young and still need my freedom.

Okay! But what time do you want to go? I don't get off work till 4 and I usually walk home. So it takes me 15 minutes to get home.

How about 6? I can pick you up and leave at 6 then, get to the fair and have our date there!

That should be fine with me! Can't wait to see you on Friday Chan!

Same with you y/n!! It's a date then?

It's a date!

I text Chan goodnight and pick my clothes for the next day for work. I hope I see Chan at the cafe tomorrow morning again. I head to bed and look back through mine and Chan's text messages. I can't wait for Friday...I fall asleep only thinking about Chan and what will happen on our date. I think I finally found my new happiness.

Sweet dreams y/n...I can't wait for this Friday...

Holy lord Jesus, I think this story was a bit too long for me personally😂 anyways, I hope you enjoyed this imagine! Should I make a part 2 for the date or no?
Vote and comment some request down below!!

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