Chapter 4 (Revenge)

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“He killed her because he was obsessed,” answered Lillian. 

Cleo squirmed in her seat in English class. They were going over this weird book that they had been required to read. It had something to do with this crazy obsessive boyfriend who kills his girlfriend in the end because he believed if he couldn’t have her, no one could.

It was dwindling down to the last ten minutes of class and Cleo had her hand raised high in the air, wanting to answer more than anything. 

“Fair enough answer Lillian,” Mr. Crawf said with a nod, “Yes Cleo?”

The whole class turned in their chairs to stare at a timid Cleo all the way in the back. She looked down at her desk and then back at Mr. Crawf’s encouraging eyes. “Well, I just wanted to say, that I think he had more of a twisted love for the girl. Almost like Romeo and Juliet where one kills themselves for the other. The main character, Eddy, believed that he was doing all he could for them to be together forever by killing the girl, Julie, and then killing himself afterwards.”

The whole class stared with gaping mouths and raised eyebrows. Cleo felt the heat flare up in her cheeks and she hid her face behind the book just as the bell pierced the silence. 

“Um,” even Mr. Crawf was dazed, “Very good job Cleo, class, You are dismissed.”

Everyone jumped from their seats and Cleo rose to a stand, gathering her things and heading for the door. Mr. Crawf stopped her though, rearranging his glasses on the bridge of his nose. 

“You know Cleo, you have a real gift when it comes to literature,” he started, surprising her with his comment, “I hope you signed up for the up coming writing competition.”

Cleo nodded her head vigorously, not really knowing what else to say. 

“Good,” Mr. Crawf sighed, “well, go on to your next class.”

After whispering a polite Thankyou, Cleo darted out into the hall and started towards her locker. What Mr. Crawf didn’t know was that she had no intentions of going to her next class, Math. She was beginning to look forward to skipping classes with Anthony. He made her feel….

“Well look at what we’ve got here….”

An unwanted chill slivered down Cleo’s spine as the icy words hit her back. She turned around slowly to see Lillian and two other girls from class staring at her. Cleo always disliked Lillian. She was never mean to anyone else but Cleo. Ever since the day she realized Cleo lived under a bridge Lillian never liked her, and she made sure everyone else didn’t like Cleo either. 

“Why did you stay after class with Mr. Crawf?” she asked coldly, stepping closer and causing Cleo to press her back against her locker door. 

“He just w-wanted to ask if I j-joined the writing competition,” she stuttered, trying not to look Lillian in her cruel brown almost black eyes. 

“Sounds more like cozying up to the teacher,” Lillian snarled, “Is that what you’re doing Cleo? Are you trying to earn some cash by cozying up to the teacher?”

Tears stung Cleo’s eyes as Lillian stepped closer, hissing the words at her. “No! I would never!”

“Oh whatever. We know what worthless bums like you do. You’re willing to do anything to get some cash,” Lillian’s eyes sized Cleo up and down, landing on her face. “Anything.”

“Lillian we’re going to be late for class,” one of her friends said finally, tugging on the glowering girl’s arm. 

“Fine, Just thought it real sluttish for someone to do it with anyone for mon-” Cleo looked on in surprise as Lillian’s words were cut off as she was jerked away from Cleo’s face. 

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