Chapter 19 (Hangover)

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Hope you guys ENJOY the chap=)


The sun was nothing but a rising golden orb in the sky, slowly dragging its rays across the earth. Cleo loved every single thing about that breathtaking moment as she rose from her stiff spot next to Anthony. Their hands were still interlocked on the pile of sheets. She sighed, slipping her hand out of his and untangling the knots in her hair. Anthony stirred in his sleep. 

“Wh- Where?” he was coming around sooner then Cleo thought he would. She watched him sit up too quickly and clutch his head in agony. Her hand grabbed his shoulder and steadied him. 

“Are you okay?”

He peered at her and seemed to think about her question. His eyes were still a little blurry but he seemed more and more alert as the seconds ticked by. “Wh- I- What happened?” came his groggy voice, still smelling like the aftermath of alcohol. Cleo found it unappealing, but couldn’t help smiling at his bed head. 

“Anthony,” she started, staring deeply within him, “Do you remember a thing you said last night?”

He gave her a blank stare. 

“Anything at all?”

Anthony wiped the side of his mouth and began to message his head. “I can kind of remember stumbling over to this bridge. I had the urge-” he closed his eyes, “- I had the urge to see you. I just don’t know why.”

Cleo removed her hand and stood. Anthony was still trying to sort out his feelings for her and the ‘I love you’ he said last night just couldn’t have been real. Could it? She looked down at him and made for her tent. An Anthony with a hang-over wasn’t going to stop her from turning in her story. But Anthony grabbed Cleo by the hand and pulled her to come stand in front of him, she looked at him once again, unwillingly. She didn’t like what he did to her heart. He made it feel so fragile and easy to break. 

“What did I say last night, Cleo?” he asked softly, staring up at her in earnest. It was enough to make her melt. Those pools of blue green spheres. The tousled black hair and eyebrow piercing. He was the only one she knew who could pull off a hangover and still look cute.

“Nothing you should be worried about,” she said casually, slipping out of his grasp and preparing for school. 


Strolling into first period and slapping the final draft of the story unto Mr. Crawf’s desk was a lode off of Cleo’s chest. She felt like she had finally accomplished something in her life. She felt that, finally, she had a purpose. It would come as a hard blow if she didn’t win but, at least, she accomplished something. 

The sound of school bells signaling the end of each period were like the hallelujah chorus to her. She hardly paid attention in class because all she could and would only think about was Anthony. There was no option of skipping class to go see him because he had decided to stay home today. At his own house of course. 

Cleo thought about what it would be like to live with Anthony. She imagined their house being placed by the sea. She imagined their wallpaper being made of every single beautiful drawing Anthony had ever made and of reading their children stories that Cleo had wrote and published herself. 


Cleo caught herself thinking this and slapped herself on the arm. A girl sitting next to her looked at her like she was crazy and turned back to her work. She was in seventh period and had been gazing at the clock and then thoughts of Anthony started to pop up in her head. She couldn’t stop them. Ever since those fateful words he said last night she found herself falling deeper, and deeper, and deeper in-

In love?

Cleo couldn’t tell. She had never experienced what it felt like to be in love before. All she knew was that if Anthony didn’t mean what he said, her heart would never be the same. 


The sun was merciless to Cleo as she strolled along the sidewalk. At first she was going to go to the bridge and catch up on some much needed sleep but then she found herself retracing the familiar route to Anthony’s house. She had missed him the whole day and realized that the reason she wanted school to end so quickly was to see him. 

As she got closer to his house she remember what he said about his mother the other night. A selfish pang pierced her chest. All day she was worried If Anthony truly loved her and she had forgotten all about his mom.

Her feet soon brought her to the first step of his front porch. The rocking chair sat in a corner collecting spider webs and dust. The potted plants that lined the rails were in need of watering. She tried to look through the window when she had climb the three rickety steps but the blinds and curtains were drawn shut tightly. 

The only thing left to do was ring the doorbell. 


FunFact: Cleo knew she wanted to be a writer the day she was able to escape from her life under the bridge and into a fantasy world full of the unimaginable. 

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