Chapter 21 (Coffee)

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“I’m really glad we arranged this Cleo, I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.”

Cleo smiled and handed Arabella a napkin so she could hold her hot coffee cup properly. There was nothing like some good old girl time to remind her that she indeed had a friend that was constantly worried about her. “You’re always disappearing on me,” Arabella continued, “You never even told me if you were able to finish that story you were working on for the writing contest.”

Cleo blew and took a sip of her coffee, letting the warm liquid slide down her throat. “I’m sorry Bella. I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately. Sometimes it almost seems like school isn’t even important anymore.”

This statement made Arabella raise a single questioning orange eyebrow. Cleo could clearly see the disapproving look all over her best-friend’s face. “Don’t say that Cleo. Until we graduate College, school will always be important,” her British accent reprimanded, “Whether we like it or not.”

They both took a sip of coffee as Cleo shrugged. She used to think school was important, after all it was her ticket out of poverty, but lately it seemed so small in comparison to the other problems in her life. “I did get to finish the story though,” she said to Arabella, making her friend smile, “I turned it into Mr. Crawf right on time.”

Arabella leaned forward in her seat to fold her arms across the table, “What was it about?”

This, Cleo didn’t know how to explain. She couldn’t say the story was about a homeless girl because she had already told Arabella a while back that the story was about herself. Even so, could she? Arabella had been such an amazing friend to her during the past month and didn’t seem like the type of person to shun or pity others. In fact, Cleo had a feeling she invited Arabella to the coffee shop for the soul purpose of telling her the truth. 

“Cleo?” Arabella asked hesitantly, wondering why her bright-eyed friend was gazing off into space like that. 

“Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking….” Cleo huffed, making the coffee in her cup ripple. 

“About what?” her friend asked. 

“Arabella,” she started, using her full name, “You already know that the story’s about me. About my life. And that’s why it’s the story of a homeless girl who lives under a bridge. A girl who’s made a family under that bridge which soon becomes her home. A girl who found refuge in writing and….. a certain someone.”

Cleo stopped to see how Arabella was taking all of this and was glad to see that her friend was listening and nodding to her that it was ok to go on. “A certain someone being Anthony. He makes me feel free, Bella. He makes me feel like my home is with him and I don’t truly understand the complexity of love, but I think…..”

“You think you love him?” Arabella whispered, reaching her hand over and taking Cleo’s. It was a comforting gesture that warmed Cleo. 

“Ya, I think I do. And not only has he been there for me, but you have too. You’re nicer than any girl I’ve met, even when it came down to me telling you I’m homeless.”

“Cleo I’m not your friend because of how you dress or look. I’m not your friend because of how much money you have or how smart you are. I’m your friend because I saw someone with a personality much like my own. Someone who was honest and real, unlike the fake bimbos that walk the halls of our school everyday. I would never stop being your friend just because you’re homeless.”

Cleo thought she might tear up and this caused Arabella to slip from her seat on the booth and sit next to Cleo on the other side. They hugged and finished their coffee together, swapping stories of Great Britain and bridges. 

Becoming better friends.


Cleo stood, staring at the lock on her locker for what seemed like forever. She was wondering why she hadn’t seen Anthony all day. She was wondering if she had scared him away by asking him if he loved her. She was just….. wondering. 

“Hey,” came a familiar voice from behind her. Long arms were soon wrapped around her waist from behind and someone’s chin was placed in the crook of her neck. She jumped with a start but relaxed when she realized it was Anthony. The suffocating feeling her heart had been experiencing lately subsided. 

“Oh, it’s you. Where have you been?” she asked casually, spinning the dial on her lock as he gently brushed his nose along the slope of her neck. She messed up the combination three times before finally getting it right. Cleo felt like she couldn’t concentrate on anything but him.

“Decided to actually go to most of my classes today is all. You didn’t think I was avoiding you?” Anthony mumbled against her skin. 

Her voice caught in her throat with the feel of his breath on her neck. She got her needed books and turned to face him. “Not at all,” she lied, “Just wanted to make sure you were ok. Has your mom…..” Cleo didn’t like bringing up the subject but was hoping for good news. For Anthony’s sake. 

Anthony loosened his grip around Cleo’s waist and sighed, looking down. “I don’t know. Me and my grandma asked around here and there and some say they saw her heading south. Others say they saw her hitch a ride north. Who knows? It’s just….”

“It’s just what?” Cleo asked softly. 

“It’s just sometimes I wonder if I should just give up, You know? Maybe she ran away. Maybe she’s not coming back.”

Cleo laid a delicate hand on Anthony’s cheek and reached up to kiss him softly on the lips. He smiled despite the sadness still clear in his eyes. 

“She’ll find her way back home Anthony. She’ll always love you and-” Cleo stopped and leaned forward to smell his shirt. 

“What?” Anthony asked, staring at her in confusion. 

“Tony, have you been smoking again?” Cleo stared up at him pointedly and Anthony looked away. 

“It isn’t so easy quitting Cleo,” he said softly dropping his hands from her waist. She frowned at how defeated he looked and grabbed one of his dangling hands. 

“Like I said before, I’ll make it easy.”

Anthony smirked and backed her up against her locker, placing his hands on her waist again as she smiled up at him. “I guess I have to keep your amazing kisses in mind, don’t I?”

Cleo giggled, “I guess one more kiss won’t hurt.” She kissed his jaw line and slipped from his grasp just as the bell rang signaling seventh period. She’d be late, but it was worth it. 

“Oh so that’s how it is now?” Anthony laughed, grabbing her hand before she could go. “Tease.”

“Push over,” Cleo shot back, giving him one more quick peck on the lips before slipping her hand out of his grasp and heading down the hall. 

“Skip with me!?” he called to her, voice playful.

“Sorry, I’m being a good girl today!”

Cleo walked out of his line of sight and turned the corner to seventh period. She wondered what all of what just happened meant. She wondered if Anthony was just doing all of this to cope with his mom. The thought of him using her made her chest hurt, but she didn’t dwell on the matter. 

Instead she thought of Anthony’s kisses and how he made her feel. 


The chap after this is going to be pretty eventful so... ya. Don't have any funfacts today but please COMMENT. Love you guys! You're the ones that keep me writing=)

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