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{Jace Pov}

"Okay, attendance." I hissed under my breath.

"Dude, where the hell is AJ?" His friend, Nat asked, loudly.

"I thought I heard him in the halls." his other friend, Jaykob mused.

"Enough about Alex." I slammed my hand down on the desk. "He clearly isn't here, so just drop it!"

"It's probably your fault he's gone." Somebody muttered. I looked around the room, but couldn't pick out who said it. I don't think it was even one of Alex's friends.

"Just forget about him." Alex fucking brought that on himself. Why the hell would he choose to stay with his fucking father? He knew damn well what would happen, and he stayed. He wanted to get fucked. He fucking wanted it!

Throughout the morning, I took my frustration out on my other classes. I was edgy, and it wasn't their fault. I was also being unprofessional.

I had prep this hour, and instead of using it work, I made a call to the police.


I sat in the conference room with two police officers, a social worker, and the dean for the school .

"Mr. Sawyer, you do realize that this isn't a joke, correct? You better not be joking with us. Rape is a serious problem."

"I understand. And I know it's one hundred percent accurate." I spoke with confidence.

"And who would the student be?"

"Alexander Jersey."

Everyone in the room exchanged looks. They weren't good.

"What?" I barked. "Aren't you going to go take him out of that disgusting home?"

One of the cops leaned in, and looked at me, coldly. "Austin Jersey isn't a man to play with. Understand? We need him in this town."

"Then get his son out of the house at least!"

"And place him where, exactly, Mr. Sawyer?" The social worker paced the room.

"With me! With you! A foster home!"

"We can't do that without Alex admitting what's happened, and Austin confessing. And that won't happen."

"Why the fuck do you even need Austin so damn badly!" I shouted, standing up.

The cops sighed, and exchanged glances. "Austin has power. He has resources. He can keep this town going. How do you think prices are unusually low here? Hell, we've tried, even. He calls people in. We tried to get rid of one person, and they tried to take handfuls out. Austin stays, and Alex stays with him."

"What if I can get Alex with me?"

"Then you take him, and you leave far away."

I nodded my head. I didn't help him last night. He won't wanna look at me. He didn't want my help last night. He asked too late. I'm not fucking putting up with that bullshit attitude. Plus, he stole two illegal things under my watch. No way in hell am I tolerating that.

After the cops left, I went back into my classroom, where Alex was in his seat.

"Why are you in here? Class doesn't start for five minutes." I acted like only a teacher. Like nothing ever happened. The only thing I know about him is his name and he struggles in Math and History. Great time to be a History teacher!

Alex shrugged, and pulled out his homework that was assigned over the weekend.

"Do you need any help?"

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