Chapter Nine

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The pair of giggling girls stumbled as they walked, happily walking through the silent corridors of Hogwarts. They were turning a corner when Lena almost crashed into something. Or in fact... someone.

"Miss Luthor. Watch where you're-" The woman spoke harshly, but hadn't seemed to be affected by the sudden meeting. Meanwhile, Lena had stumbled back, caught by Kara, with a shocked face. "... Miss Danvers?" She seemed surprised that these two were together. They were the last pair she would've matched.

"M-Miss Grant, I'm so sorry. T-This is my fault, we were just- just walking and-" Kara began stuttering out excuses and apologies, but the professor ignored her and brushed her short blonde hair behind her shoulders.

"Kara, why aren't you with your mother? She left with the other Miss Danvers a few hours ago." Cat Grant asked, folding her arms. She was rather amazed as she watched Lena leaning against Kara, with the Hufflepuff's arms around her. Lena realised where she was and quickly slid out of her grasp, hiding the smile she previously had on her face.

"I-Uh wanted to stay here... with-"
"Miss Luthor, I see." The woman stated and turned her attention to the raven haired girl. "It might do you some good hanging out with this one, Lena. You might finally speak up in my classes." She half-joked. Lena managed an embarrassed smile. Cat then added, "And I see you've got into the... Christmas spirit."

Lena looked down at the reindeer jumper and covered it with folded arms.
"It's not- Kara let me-"
"Im not interested in yours and Kara's... encounters. Now, run along. I've seen enough lovey dovey for today." As she said the last part, she looked over at Kara, who was staring at Lena with a wide grin. However, at the mention of love, her cheeks began burning and she grasped Lena's arm.
"Let's go, Lena." Kara urgently spoke with wide eyes at Lena, trying to cover her embarrassment.

As the two walked off down the hallway, Miss Grant found herself smiling. There was no doubt a strong connection she felt with Kara ever since she arrived at Hogwarts, and she knew that Kara would have a good impact on that broken little girl with her.


"So...maybe we could ask each other some... questions?" Kara quietly asked once they reached an archway that led to the gardens. The two girls stopped for a moment, Kara then stepped out into the cold.
"Sure." Lena shrugged and followed her. Luckily, Kara was equipped with her Hufflepuff scarf, but Lena had to pull her sleeves over her hands in an attempt to stay warm.

"...what's your favourite colour?" Kara asked, kicking a pile of snow as they walked. Lena pushed her lips to one side, thinking more intently than was necessary. When she hadn't answered in a few seconds, Kara turned around. "Oh, Lena, I bet you're freezing!" She quickly stepped towards her friend and removed her scarf. Lena shook her head, but Kara had already wrapped the yellow scarf around Lena's neck. "There you go."

"Kara, but now you're cold. Keep it." Lena began lifting the scarf, but the blonde stubbornly captured her hands in hers.
"No, I want you to have it. No excuses."

Lena let out a long sigh and compromised,
"At least let me keep you warm." And before Kara could question it, Lena pulled Kara close and wrapped an arm around her back, gripping onto her arm. They continued to walk.

"Blue." Lena finally broke the silence after a few minutes. Kara had forgotten all about the question and was entirely focused on Lena's hand gripping her arm and her soft breathing.
"What?" She asked.
"My favourite colour. It's blue."

"Oh, right, yes, of course. May I ask why?" Kara glanced at Lena, who smirked.
"It's my turn to ask a question, actually." The raven haired girl looked back at Kara and asked, "Are you dating anyone?"

Lena held her breath and immediately regretted asking. It was a bold move and she wondered why she'd even asked. Did she like Kara? Lena knew that she was into girls, but she had never told anyone. She had never actually liked a girl before.

Kara's foot missed the ground and landed on her other foot; Tripping over, her body headed towards the snow. She closed her eyes, ready for impact, but when she felt arms wrap around her body, she opened them. Although thinking she was safe, she landed on her back with a thud, followed by a weight on her chest. Lena had attempted to catch her friend, but Kara was heavier than her and she was pulled down with her.

Lena let out a squeal and quickly glanced at Kara's body, checking for injuries. "I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?"

"N-No, I don't think so-" Kara winced when she attempted to move and a pain shot through her back. She muttered a few swear words and then looked up at Lena. The Slytherin looked extremely worried, her eyes greener than she had ever seen them. Lena rolled off of her, but remained by her side, placing a gentle hand on her waist.

"We need to get you to the infirmary." Lena eagerly said, using her other hand to unwrap the scarf around her neck. Kara slowly shook her head, occasionally clenching her jaw at the pain. Swiftly, Lena hung the scarf around Kara's neck.
"No, I'm fine. I promise. Please, I don't want to ruin our day." Kara softly spoke, reaching a hand out. Lena moved her hand next to Kara's, palm facing upwards, with a sympathetic smile. Kara gripped onto her hand.

"We have the whole holiday. Kara, if you're hurt and you won't let me help you, it could get worse." She explained. "I'd never forgive myself if you're hurt..." she muttered the last part. However, Kara heard and slowly sat upright. Lena placed her free hand to her back, mumbling "Be careful."

"I'm not dating anyone."
This time, it was Lena's turn to be confused, until she realised the question she had asked. She blushed and awkwardly smiled. "Okay, it's your turn to ask a question."

Kara tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows, before glancing into Lena's eyes.
"I-I have two questions. Can I ask two?"

"No way! That's against the rules." Lena teased, allowing herself to laugh. Kara pouted. She thought to herself for a while, deciding between the two questions. She could ask why her favourite colour was blue... or why she asked if she was dating anyone. However, she didn't want to ruin her friendship with Lena. It might make things awkward.

"Fine. Why is your favourite colour blue?" Kara asked, tilting her head. Lena bit her bottom lip and pulled both of her hands into her lap.
"It's... um... because, it's the colour of your eyes- and I think your eyes are very pretty." Lena spoke, but barely audible. Kara was overwhelmed and covered it up with a smirk.

I can't believe that this book is getting the attention that it is. I only just hit 300 and now we're on 450!

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