Problems Outssside.

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It was half past midnight and I was doing the usual things; typing up rants on the computer. On my blog, I had reached over fifty followers and was pretty happy about that. The cave system was in its usual state. A cool underground wind swept across the room, making a pretty decent breeze. That is, until it pushed my can of peanuts to the floor. I was pretty oblivious to it, until I heard it banging on the floor. "CRASH!" I jumped up. Looking at the can of spilled peanuts on the floor, I grumbled a bit. Isn't this already enough?! I thought. My mind was pretty fed up, like always. Then I cooled down a little and knelt down.

I was picking up the last bits of peanuts until I heard a scuttle of footsteps which seemed to go in my direction. I sprang up and looked around. I was about ready to hit a human over the head with a metal can of peanuts. I heard a loud bit of banging on the door. Nearing slowly, I peeked over the hole above the door, which I had there so I wouldn't bang my head on the wall above the door in order to go in and out. Thank goodness, it was only my friend, Shestle, a creeper. He looked pretty tired, of course from the running. "Shestle!" I exclaimed as I unlocked the door. He panted heavily. "Hhh... HHHHHHH" He wheezed and coughed up a little blood. His stubby arms covered his belly.

Just as he was about to topple over, I caught him and put him gently on my bed. He hacked a bit and gulped. "K-Kathel! We- we need you out of here! Y-you're the only one who can -HKKK!- sslay hu-huma-humans! They a-attacked! -HKKKK!- my house! T-tried killing me, but I w-was sssmart." He uncovered his belly, to reveal a deep gash. I covered my mouth in shock. Could humans really have gone this far? I had heard of them killing cows or pigs or sheeps but not monsters which never chose to attack. Shestle never picked a fight, no, he wouldn't even hurt a rabbit!

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