Venturing Out

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Shestle looked at me and I looked in my cupboard, slowly rummaging through my things till I pulled out a thick roll of bandages. I walked over and started wrapping his wounds with bandages as he went on about the humans. "one human wa-was called Ssteve! He hhhad a blue shhhirt and wa-HKKK!- had a diamond sword! The other wasss a la-l-lady with orange hairrr. She -HKKK!- had a g-g-green shirt an-" "Finished!" I shouted, tossing the roll of bandages aside. His wounds were covered with a thick layer of bandages, which could remind anyone of a mummified creeper. "Shestle. I do NOT want you getting hurt! you're staying down here. Wait for me to get back. And do not, and I mean DO NOT go out, no matter what you hear. Okay?" Shestle nodded his head, shaking slightly. I grabbed my trusty iron sword, blessed with sharpness by the shaman, and opened the door. I turned around and waved to Shestle. He waved and shouted " Good l-luck Ka-Kathel! M-maybe the dragonssss be with you!" I nodded and courageously went out.

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