Part 9 - She Just Left

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I woke up in Matty's arms, warm, safe, feeling happier than I'd ever been in my whole life. It was around eight in the morning. Matty's eyes fluttered open and his arms around me became tighter, making me blush. I laughed quietly.

"Morning," he croaked. I smiled and kissed his cheek."Hey! I need a proper kiss now!" he whined, pouting.

"Morning," I replied, rolling my eyes, kissing him properly. It gave me the most butterflies is ever had with Matty. I was here, in his arms, kissing him, and I knew he liked me back.

"Now, I really have to go home," I said, trying to get up. Matty had his arms wrapped around me, and as I tried to get up, he got up into a sitting position with me sitting on top of him.

"No way! At least stay for breakfast." He said, tightening his grasp around me and resting his head in my shoulder. I smiled and rolled my eyes, relaxing my body.

"Fine, but then I'm going home, because I seriously need to shower," I laughed.

Matty grinned and got up, letting me up, going to the kitchen. "Coffee or tea?" He asked.

"Tea, please," I said. Matty was in black skinny jeans and his black shirt, from last night. I couldn't help but pass my eyes over the tiny scars on his arm, but I quickly looked away. I didn't want to draw any more attention to them, he said that was over, and I believed him.

I wanted him to be okay again.

Matty made himself a coffee and me a cup of tea, sitting down outside at the front of his house at the little outdoor setting. "Hold on, it's cold, wait a second," he said, going inside for a second. He came back outside with two black hoodies, one for me and one for him. I smiled and thanked him, putting it on. "You look good in that," He said. I smiled, making sweater paws as a drank my tea.

After our breakfast of nutella pancakes, I had to leave. I wanted to stay, but I needed a shower, and other clothes.

"I have to go," I said, smiling as Matty hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I know," He pouted.

"Geez, Matty, focus on the band. You need a new backup singer," I said.

"I know," He pouted.

"And we'll have more rehearsals for the new backup singer," I reminded him.

"I know" He pouted.

"I just don't want to do anything today, except be with you," He smiled. I blushed.

"You can come over if you want, to my place?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, "Just let me grab some stuff." He said. Matty came out of his bedroom with a backpack like two minutes later. We were set to go.

"I'm driving," I called, and Matty laughed as he got into the passenger seat.

He was staring at me for the whole drive. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked. He smiled.

"Because I had freaked out for so long, about you not liking me back. I was terrified. I was so scared you'd reject me, and now we've kissed. That escalated quickly." He laughed.

I smiled and parked in the carpark under my buidling. Once we got out of the car and into the elevator, Matty pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back, he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. The elevator dinged and Matty carried me to my apartment, still wrapped around him. "Matty, I have neighbours," I laughed.

"Do I look like I care about your neighbours seeing me kissing you?" He asked. I shook my head and he said "Exactly," before kissing me again quickly. I unlocked my apartment and Matty dropped me onto my couch, laying on top of me. He held himself up above me on his forearms, keeping his weight off me. Then he kissed me again, smiling. I laughed and kissed back. We stayed like that, so close together, kissing, for what a few minutes before Matty lifted himself off me, laughing. "Sorry, I just really needed to make up for all the time I didn't kiss you," he said. I laughed and went into my bathroom, saying I was having a shower.

*Matty's POV*

I couldn't believe that I'd kissed her. Most of the time, to the fans, I seemed confident, but behind closed doors I was insecure and had the same dark thoughts as everyone else. I had kissed Billie, I'd done it, and she had kissed back. It hadn't sunk in yet. I'd only known her for like three weeks, but I'd told her everything about me, the scars... They weren't that noticeable as a whole, some were more noticeable because they were new, but mostly they looked like little cat scratches almost. I just blamed them on daily life accidents. Only George knew the truth now, and Billie. The others just thought I was clumsy. But I was done with that now, it's over. No more...cutting. I always winced at the word. But it's done now. Over. Finished.

I thought about what I had to organise with the other boys for the band. We needed a new backup singer to replace Brittany, and then we needed to rehearse all the songs with the new backup singer.

I felt sorry for Adam, Brittany was a bitch to cheat on him. He'd had his heart broken before, like everyone, but there was one girl who had killed him when she broke up with him. They'd been together for over five years, and then she just left. He'd always been different since then. Now, he always went for the slutty girls, the ones with half their boobs hanging out of their dresses, the ones in the skimpy skirts and six inch heels.

It wasn't his fault, the girl the that left him was a really nice girl, smart, funny, intelligent, successful, she was perfect. But then she just left. He rebounded hard, and didn't look back. It was sad to watch him slowly deteriorate.

I rang Adam up, I had to check if he was okay.

"Hi mate," I said into the phone.

"Hey Matt." He said glumly.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Not particularly," he said.

"I know. But we need to organise this band, get it together." I said.

He sighed heavily. He knew I meant the other back up singer.

He knew we'd chose Rachael. He knew that she had potential, despite her name.

But we knew he dreaded the name ever since his ex left him.

Her name was Rachael.

Kudos to Jaz for the inspo.

:) DRAMA IS COMING. I know, more of it! xx

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