Part 16 - Big Sleep

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*Billie's POV*

I woke up the next day in my apartment, like any other day.

Matty was in the kitchen, making breakfast.

I was reluctant to sleep at Matty's house overnight...I was kind of freaked out that he'd want more than sleeping...

I mean, I slept over that one night when we first kissed, but nothing happened. I was just slightly terrified about sleeping over again.

I wanted to, but I was scared he'd think I wasn't good enough, just like I do with a lot of other things.

He could have supermodels, but he chose little old me.

I came out of my bedroom with my hair in a messy bun, walking towards Matty. He was shirtless in boxers, making pancakes. His back was to me, facing the stove.

"Morning," I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

He smiled.

"Morning, beautiful." He said, kissing my forehead and then placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled after we broke apart and jumped up so I was sitting on the kitchen bench next to him while he cooked.

"The next gig is in two days." I sighed, smiling. I loved doing gigs. It was so much more fun than anything else I'd ever done before this in my life.

"I know," he smiled.

He turned to face me once he was finished with the pancakes. He let the the plate of pancakes he was holding drop softly onto the bench.

His hands were on the bench either side of my hips.

"I really like you," he said, lacing his fingers with mine. I smiled.

"I really like you too," I said.

He pressed his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed back. The kiss intensified as I put my arms around his neck and his hands slid to my hips, snapping the elastic of my pyjama shorts. I smiled. He pulled me closer towards him and moaned softly as I wrapped my legs around him. He pulled me off the bench so he was carrying me. He carried me over to the dining room table and placed me down on the edge.

"Breakfast is ready." He smiled as we broke away. I grinned and kissed him quickly again, sitting down at the table. Matty ran to the kitchen, grabbing the plate of pancakes.

We talked over breakfast about what we think might be happening with the Rachael-Adam situation.

"He still loves her. I know he does. It's just...I don't think he'd be able to do it. Getting back together with her, I mean." Matty said through a mouthful of pancakes.

I sighed. "I really thought Rachael was a nice girl. I mean, she is. She's lovely - people change. But... Moving halfway across the world because a guy proposes to you? It's overreacting a bit, I think." I said. Matty nodded.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked, getting up and putting our plates in the sink after we finished eating.

"I don't want to do anything today," he pouted, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder as I rinsed the plates. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Okay. We'll have a movie day, then." I said. Matty grinned and nodded like a little kid. I smiled and said I was having a shower.

*Matty's POV*

While Billie had a shower I walked over to her TV cabinet and flicked through the DVDs she had. I picked out all of the Scream movies, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, all of the Scary Movies, The Lion King and The Notebook.

Don't judge. I wanted a mix of movies. Shut up, I like chick flicks, okay?

These would only hold us for a couple of hours. We'd pick more later.

I heard the shower water stop.

Billie came out of the shower towelling her hair dry, in black pyjama shorts and a white tee shirt with 'The Only Clean Shirt Left' printed on it in black. I laughed and she smiled when she saw me reading it.

"It's not really, I'm not gross." She laughed, sitting down next to me. Billie's couch was a sofa bed, so we pulled out the bottom bit so we could lay down. We put on Scream first. Billie laid against me, with her head in my chest and our hands intertwined. I loved lying like this, just being close to one another, not caring.

*Billie's POV*

I squeezed Matty's hand in the scary bits of the movie. I felt like a little girl. Matty just smiled, squeezed back and kissed my forehead, all the while with his eyes glued to the screen.

When he could see I was getting bored, he laughed quietly and kissed my cheek, then my lips. He pulled me on top of him so I was sitting on his lap, kissing. I smiled and he put his hands on my hips, smiling.

We finished watching a load of other movies, and it was late.

Our eyelids were drooping, our hands were intertwined. The only light in the entire apartment was the TV screen.

Matty was nearly asleep, and so was I. We were outstretched on the sofa bed, under the same blanket.

My head was still on Matty's chest and his arms were wrapped around me.

I was drifting off the sleep, going in and out of dreams. My eyelids closed softly, nearly sleeping.

"I think I love you." Matty said quietly, before sleep pulled me under.

GAH. He said it. He said it.

I love this chapter.

I know it's kind of boring, but... *sighs* He said he loved her!

Just to clarify Billie would've said it back, but she fell asleep, and then Matty did straight after.

:) -Anna xx

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