Part 33 - What Does This Make Us?

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*Billie's POV*

Tyler and I arrived at the venue together.
She squeezed my hand quickly before we went backstage, she knew I was nervous.
Matty was sitting on an amp, tuning his guitar. He was wearing a white shirt with lots of little holes in it and his signature black jeans with the hole in the knee. He looked up when he heard my footsteps, he had been in another world when he was focusing on his guitar. He offered me an awkward smile.
"Hey." I said. He looked a little shocked at first that I was talking to him.
"Hey." He replied.
We lapsed into awkward silence, me standing a metre away from him and him sitting and staring at me, strumming the strings of his guitar absentmindedly.
"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.
"Because I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," he bit his lip. "And I-I miss you." He said, meeting my eyes. I looked away from Matty to hide the tears pricking the back of my eyes.
"Billie." He said, putting his guitar down and standing up to face me, needing to look down because I was shorter than him. He played with my fingers. I blushed.
"Billie," he repeated, hooking his fingers under my chin and tilting my head up to meet his gaze.
"Yes?" I asked, feeling new tears pricking in the back of my eyes.
"Listen to me." He asked. I nodded. He dragged his thumb under my eye to wipe away the tears. He stared at his thumb for a second. "What are you crying?" He asked, his eyes going dark and frowning. I laughed tearily.
"I just..." I trailed off.
"What?" He asked.
"I miss you too." I whispered, so quiet I nearly didn't hear myself. I took a deep breath. He smiled a tiny smile, I almost didn't catch it. He traced his thumb down my cheek.
"Really?" He asked quietly.
I nodded, almost imperceptibly. He smiled.
"So - what does this make us?" He asked. I looked up at him.
"I don't know. Tell me when you figure it out, because I don't have a clue." I said, breaking away from his grasp and walking away to go and talk to Rachael and Tyler, feeling like crap about myself.
"We just said we missed each other and he asked what that made us. What does that make us?" I asked quickly. Tyler set her hands on my shoulders.
"Billie, calm down." She said. Rachael bit her lip.
"You two still apart, hey?" She asked. I nodded.
"Billie, Matty loves you. It'll all work out, I can feel it. You'll be making out by next week." She laughed. I laughed along, feeling more relaxed. The worry was pushed back to the corner of my mind as I walked onto stage with the rest of the band.
It still felt weird, saying I was 'in the band'. It wasn't my band (and I'm not saying it will ever be), and I didn't feel like I was a permanent part of it yet. I felt like I would be gone after a few months.
Matty grinned out at the cheering and screaming audience.
"Hello! We're The 1975!" He yelled, resulting in the crowd going crazy.
"We're going to start now, okay?" He asked. The girls in the front row were bawling their eyes out and screaming themselves horse. I smiled, this is what I live for.
Matty turned to face me before we started, winking at me.
After we were about halfway through the set, Matty stopped to talk to the crowd for a second.
"I need your advice," he said. The crowd nodded and went almost silent. "There's this girl. I really like - love - her but I - I stuffed it up. I broke her heart. And then we broke each other's. Now, do you think I should get her back or let her go?" He asked. I bit my lip out of habit. The audience screamed 'Get her back!'. Matty grinned.
"Okay, but how do I do it?" He asked.
He knelt down time the front row and put the microphone to them, allowing them to answer her.
"Stake out at her house and refuse to leave until she takes you back." One fan said.
"Buy her flowers and surprise her." Another girl said.
"Just kiss her!" Another shouted. Matty chuckled.
"Okay, well since we were talking about girls, we're going to sing a song called Girls." Matt said, turing to face the band and cueing the song to start. The fans sang along.
After a few more songs, Matty said:
"Okay now we're going to play another song, this is a love song. This is dedicated to the girl I was talking about before." The crowd cheered and 'awwwed'. I blushed but looked away.
'She had a face straight outta magazine.' He pointed to me indistinctly but some people in the audience caught the gesture and started screaming.

After the whole show we went down to go and talk to and meet some fans. More people asked for Rachael and I's autographs. I smiled shakily and signed CD's, tee shirts, arms... One girl grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her, whispering: "I know Matty broke your heart but please take him back. He's a good guy and he really loves you. You can see it." I smiled and nodded, turning away. I ran up a set of steps through to backstage, without the other guys. They knew something was wrong.
Matty was the first to follow me, he only had to jog slowly behind me to keep up with my running.
"Billie!" He called. I let out a sob and ran into the bathrooms. Women's bathrooms.
I locked the door behind me. I heard Matty's footsteps in front of the door. I slid down the back of the door until I felt the floor. A pent-up wave of tears racked my body, and I tried to conceal the sobs from the man on the other side of the door.
"Matty why did you do that to me?" I whispered.
"If you come out I'll tell you." He whispered back. I sighed, stood up, wiped my eyes and unlocked the door. I walked out of the bathrooms to see Matty leaning against the wall of the hallway, staring intently at me.
"You keep doing this to me." I whispered, shaking.
"Doing what?" He asked softly.
"Messing with my head. You know I can't deal with things like that," I said, pointing to the stage. "so why do you do them?" I asked, looking him in the eye.
"Billie, I'm so sorry that I made you feel that way. I swear on my life I wasn't trying to. I just wanted to get through to you." He whispered, taking my hand. I looked down at our hands. He pulled me in closer so he was hugging me tight. I felt more at ease than I had in the last two weeks. I was in his arms again, wasn't the way I wanted it to be. Yet. I wanted him to be mine again.
"Matty?" I mumbled.
"Yeah?" He asked, his head resting on top of my head.
"You know when you asked what this made us?" I asked quietly, looking up at him. He nodded.
"I want us to be us again. That's what this makes u-" he cut me off by crashing his lips to mine. His hands cupped my face, and I smiled into the kiss.
"I love you so much." He whispered against my lips.
"I love you too." I whispered back.

All of a sudden Rachael walked in and grinned when she saw Matty and I kissing.
"Told ya." She said, laughing and walking off. I broke apart from Matty first.
"Stay at mine tonight?" I asked. Matty nodded almost instantly. I laughed and pulled him to me again.

Millie are back together! Huzzah! Lol that's their crappy ship name for now, comment any ideas.
Did you like this rekindling? Did you like this chapter?
Were they apart for too short of a time, or too long, or just right?
Oh and... HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I thought about doing a Halloween chapter - how would you guys feel about that?
Oh and yeah GUYS WE GOT TO 3K! Yasssss! :)
Is anyone else sad that Medicine isn't available on the Australian iTunes Store yet? :( waahhhh
Oh and I have a game: I've put in a few song references in past chapters - see if you can find them? Idk what chapters lol.
Okay I need to go. :) xx

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