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"When I was 17 my parents died and it really fucked me up because they were my everything" ny'kera spoke as she crushed up some pills .

"Like after they died I didn't have nobody looking out for me until I met Ari . She the one put me on to the club" she spoke .

Key watched her pour the 4 crushed up pills into some soda and hand it to him . "This should help with the pain" she spoke . Key grabbed it with his good hand and started drinking it .

Ny'kera didnt know why she had to crush the pills down , but Lensey told her todo it so she did .

"So tell me something about you" ny'kera spoke .

Key looked at her like she was stupid , it had been a week since he had got there and he still couldn't believe he was kidnapped and shot by some girls.

"You still don't wanna talk? Okay" ny'kera spoke nodding .

"Well my favorite color is blue , favorite food tacos and my favorite hobby is online shopping with your card" ny'kera spoke causing key to try and grab her she quickly moved out his way , of course she was quicker then him.

"Ima kill you bitch" he simi yelled .

"You gone do what?" She asked pressing her finger on his bullet wound causing him to yell .

Ny'kera did have neighbors so she stopped once he got too loud .

"Cry baby" she laughed wiping the tears that left his eyes .

Would you rather marry a football player or basketball player ? 💍

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TOOK HIM ; Key GlockWhere stories live. Discover now