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Omniscient pov•

"What size ring is she?" Key asked Ari as they walked into Zales.

"A 6 I think..." Ari shrugged.

"Maybe I should call her" Key shook his head pulling his phone out . "Then it won't be a surprise stupid, just trust me" Ari spoke .

"Trust you? You shot me WITH MY OWN GUN" key Spoke a little above a whisper .

"Because you were running at me like a fucking linebacker and stop bringing up old shit" Ari spoke as she mugged key.

Key chuckled "ion like you , arianna" he said shaking his head.

"I don't want you to like me , Key glock" Ari said. "Hello do you guys need any help?" A zales employee asked walking up to them.

"Yes, umm I'm looking for an engagement ring" key spoke . "An expensive one" Ari added in .

Ny'kera pov •

"I'm not built for this" Ari sighed as she stood up , we were trying to put this crib together and it's not working in our favor .

Ari had just got here a few minutes ago to help me but seems like she's having a harder time with it then me .

"You hungry? Ima order us some Chinese" I spoke standing up . The nursery was coming out nice, all I really needed was the crib put up everything else was done .

His room theme is green and blue, & I haven't thought of an name yet so .

I sat in the rocking chair i had in the corner of the nursery and looked at Ari .

"Do you think I'll be a good mom?" I asked her . She turned around to look at me and nodded "It's gonna be hard tho luckily you have us"

"I appreciate you Ari , since you met me you've been 100% down and I love you for that" I spoke as my eyes started to water .

"Emotional ass" Ari laughed as she got up and gave me an hug.


Baby name ideas ?

TOOK HIM ; Key GlockWhere stories live. Discover now