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Ny'kera pov•

"This mf 300 dollars" i spoke as Ari and I walked down the crib aisle at babies R us I didn't plan on buying anything just window shopping.

"I'm glad I'm never having kids, But I can't wait to be a bomb ass god mom" Ari spoke sipping on her Starbucks.

"Who said you were the god mom?" I asked Ari.

"Well I know damn well Lensey ain't" she shrugged .

We both started laughing then I pulled out my phone remembering Lensey been very distant lately and it's weird . It's like after that day she changed key cast she hasn't been wanting to hang with me nomore.

I pressed on her message thread and send her a text .

"Have you told your family yet?" She asked and I shook my head no . "I haven't talked to them in years" I said .

After my parents died I cut all ties with the little family I had left, I don't know why but I did .

"I'm letting Key go" I mumbled changing the subject.

"Good bitch you been had him chained up like a dog n shit" Ari spoke .

"I'm letting him go but idk when" I corrected myself .

"So when you leave , do you open a window or have yo ac on for him? Because it's been hot as fuck lately"

"Yea I keep the ac on"

"Yo bill gone be higher den a bitch, but back to key, girl let his ass out it's been a half year" she spoke .

"But im scared of what he'll do"

"The worst he can do is send you to jail or leave you and the baby, which I doubt he'll do either"

"Thanks ari you just made it worst" I said shaking my head, what if I do end up a single mom, all of this would be for nothing.

"Kera you won't know till you try, it's literally been 9 months , He has to have some typa love for you" she spoke and I nodded .

"I'm gonna do it ... today"


Should the baby be a girl or boy?

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