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One month later , Omniscient •

"You hungry ?" Ny'kera yelled as she walked into her house . She now had markeyvius chained inside of a guess bedroom . The chain allowed him to go to the bathroom that was connected to the room but not leave the room; he escaped it last time because she didn't have it tight enough, Now it was .

Key nodded and ny'kera smiled jumping on the bed beside him . He had not tried to hurt her since Ari shot him so kera wasn't scared to be close to him .

"Here" she spoke handing him a burger king bag then eating some fries out her own.

Key looked at ny'kera and shook his head "if you woulda approached me like a normal person we prolly coulda been something real" he mumbled loud enough for her to hear .

Key hadn't held a conversation with kera yet, he would just listen to her talk about her day or tell him about herself .

"That's cap , you know you wouldn't have fucked with me" she spoke looking up at him , he didnt even look her way the many times he visited her club , he was always interested in the other girls with the plastic asses .

"Probably not but I fasho woulda fucked you" he spoke biting into his burger .

"Quit playing" kera rolled her eyes , "no cap" he spoke .

Kera grabbed her bag and left key in the room alone , she was starting regretting kidnapping him , especially because people finally noticed his disappearance and were looking for him.

Kera thought about approaching key at the club many times but never did it . Sometimes he would walk right past her and not even make eye contact which is why she thought kiddnapping him was her only chance to be with him .

Kera sighed as she thought of a plan . "I'm fasho not going to jail over this" she spoke as she continued waking to her room.


Have y'all listened to 'From the NH to the stage' yet ? (Quando album)

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