Ch. 17

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Omniscient •

Ny'kera took a deep breath before walking into markeyvius's room , today is the day.

"Baby, where you been? I gotta tell you something" Key asked wondering why ny'kera had a big coat on and it was hot ash, he was about to tell her about what went down with Lensey.

"Key listen , I'm sorry for all this , and ima let you go today, just know i love you and I'm fine with whatever decision you make once I unchain you" ny'kera spoke .

Key was in disbelief, he was beginning to think he'd die in this room because ny'kera never showed signs of wanting to free him until today.

"But first I wanna show you this" she spoke handing key a envelope and a paper bag given to her by the nurse .

Key quickly ripped it open and pulled a teddy bear out , he looked at it confused before ripping the envelope open too and ultrasound pictures fell out .

"Y-you pregnant?" He asked and ny'kera nodded slowly, key jumped up pulling her into a tight hug before he unzipped her coat "daaammmnnn" he spoke looking at her belly . "That's fucking crazy"

"What color are the bears eyes?" Ny'kera asked . Key shrugged before picking it up "blue, why?"he asked .

"That means it's a boy!" Ny'kera shouted happily because she wanted a boy .

"Shit ny'kera I love you" key spoke then smashed his lips into hers "I love you girl" he repeated .

"So what did you wanna tell me?" Ny'kera asked remembering what he said earlier. Key shook his head "it's nothing" he spoke and started to kiss her again, this time his kisses went from her lips to her neck to her chest .

"Hold on I gotta pee" ny'kera spoke stopping him .

She walked to the bathroom and the first thing that caught her attention was a condom in the trash because she had never used one with him .

"Key who shit is this?" Ny'kera asked pointing to the trash . Key ran to the bathroom to look and quickly froze "I-i was gonna tell you but-"

"But what? Who's is it?"

"Mines- kinda ..."

"Key explain yourself dude"

"Me and Lensey- but I had no control over it she put that shit in me"

Ny'kera felt her heart rip into little pieces. She didn't even have anything to say but she was gone keep her word and free key today.

She didn't know who to be mad at or if she wanted to believe Key , then they were so careless to letting her find out , at lease flush the condom or something.

Ny'kera dug in her bra and pulled the key out . "Have fun" she spoke tossing it , then walking out the room .

Key caught it then bent down quickly taking the chain off . He ran out the room yelling ny'keras name but she didn't answer. When he looked outside there were no cars in the driveway meaning she had left already.

"Damnit kera" he yelled punching a hole in her wall.

Half of him wanted to wait there for ny'kera and the other half wanted to go home and see what he was missing .

"Shit I'll be back" he mumbled as he walked out the house closing the door . He made sure to look at the address so he could come back before making his journey home , and it was a long journey too especially waking .


So guys ...he's free 👏🏽

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